Chapter 3

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"What's the catch Jase?" I repeated harsher than the first time.
"Well, you'd have to give me everything. Every last drop of you," he said as though it was as plain as day.
"And why the fuck will I do that to myself?"
"Because it's the only way to save your family and Kye."
My heart stopped and I felt nauseous. Why did he have to do this to me? What was so special about me? That was a great question so I voiced it.
"What's so special about me?"
"Darling you're the most powerful fae in the whole world, who wouldn't want a badass like you by their side," the way he said it had my heart leaping.
Grim groaned and spoke softly. "Dont do it, he will just use you."
"Stop, this is my decision Grim you can't make me swing one way. But when it comes to everyone's life, mine's the least important," I said sniffling.
"Is that a yes I'm hearing?" Jase asked the anticipation clear in his voice.
"It's a..."

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