Sans x Frisk - Genocide

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Frisk had started off in the ruins, but she sensed something following her and Toriel, who had found her and led her through the ruins. Soon Frisk had encountered a froggit, but something... happened. The world around her disappeared, and she appeared in a type of void. A figure stood before her, and the name Chara flashed through her mind. She had heard of Chara, but never expected to actually meet her... this girl... weren't they dead?? Frisk looked at the girl. They had brown hair, a green and yellow sweater on, and a heart locket around their neck. She looked more or less normal except the glowing red eyes.  "This will be fun." Chara said and giggled. And then she disappeared, but something light a screen appeared in front of Frisk.

Frisk stared at the screen in horror as her body walked through the ruins with Toriel, who didn't suspect anything was wrong. In the screen, Frisk's eyes had taken on a slight red shade to their normal color. "oh... god...." Frisk choked out as she watched her possessed body slaughter all the monsters in the Ruins, eventually reaching Toriel in her home's basement. Frisk had just done a neutral run before... and she had meant to do a Pacifist route. She had made a promise to Sans, who had been angry at her near the end of the previous timeline. 

She hadn't wanted to hurt anyone.... 

For several more hours she was forced to watch the destruction of all Monsterkind. The absolute terror in the monster's eyes as they saw their own downfall. Frisk sobbed. She could do nothing, no matter how hard she tried to regain control. It's no use. That... Voice. It echoed through her mind. Chara.... 


After a few hours, Frisk had given up trying to fight it. She had run out of determination. Forced to watch all the monsters die. Chara had reached the judgement hall. But then... something happened. Frisk found herself trembling back in her own body, having just stepped through the doorway of the Judgement Hall. Oh no... Frisk shuddered. She would have to face Sans. She hadn't wanted this... but he likely wouldn't listen to her. He thought she had broken her promise. She had killed his brother. She had killed his friends. But it wasn't Frisk that had done it. 

It had been Chara. Frisk hesitantly took a few steps forward, determined to try and convince Sans of her innocence in this matter.... But before she could move any further, something speared her through her back at an upward angle, sticking out of her chest. She looked a the end of a bone in front of her. She felt nothing as she was in shock, and just looked at the bone with a expression of surprise on her face. Blood trickled from the edge of her mouth, and slowly started seeping from where she had been speared. She looked up to see the skeleton responsible before the world slowly blacked out. 


But then she reappeared in the doorway of the judgement hall. The fear had drained out of her, and now a feeling of dread hung over her. Sans the skeleton stood at the end of the hallway, his eye glowing bright blue and yellow. 

Frisk took two steps. Another bone pierced her chest.


Frisk took four steps. A bone came up from under her and speared up through her middle. 


Soon enough Frisk had taken ten steps, halfway to Sans. "Please..." She choked out before a bone came down at a downward angle and pierced her spine, the other end appearing through her abdomen. 


She made it fifteen steps, so very close... She didn't even try to dodge or fight back. This time a bone pierced each of her limbs, rendering her immobile. A final fifth bone pierced her chest.


She was now only four steps away from Sans. A Gaster Blaster appeared between her and Sans. Once it fired, she immediately blacked out.


This time, she wasted no time in walking and reached Sans, stumbling forward and wrapping her arms around him. "I-I'm so s-sorry..." She said weakly after a bone pierced up through her middle. Her words seemed to shock Sans, however. 


Frisk was running out of determination. She approached Sans once more, and threw her arms around him once again, sobbing. "Please forgive me, Sans..." She buried her face in his jacket. "I-It wasn't really me..." As she said those last words Sans pulled away. "Don't use any fake excuses on me, of course you did it." Sans growled and speared her again. And Chara flickered into existence next to Frisk. "Oh yeah, it was totally her" Chara said sarcastically. Sans froze, staring at Chara. "No.... no...." Sans growled again and shot a glare at Chara, realizing Frisk was innocent. Sans made the bone that speared Frisk disappear, panicking because she wasn't resetting. "Frisk, Frisk, please reset. Please...." Sans muttered, picking up her lifeless body. 

Frisk gained some consciousness and managed to reset in time. 

But this time Chara's form appeared at the end of the hallway, and began stalking towards Sans. "Frisk is dead, Sans." Chara began. Sans sent a bone attack up through the floor underneath Chara in his anger.

But Chara teleported away and put Frisk back to where she had been milliseconds before...

Just in time for Frisk to be speared once more. 

Sans choked back a gasp, horrified. Again, he took Frisk's body into his arms, and watched the life drain from her. Frisk could not reset anymore, had run out of determination. She never reset. Sans counted the minutes that passed as he held her in his arms, staring blankly at the floor. He silently begged her to reset, just once more. But nothing happened. It was too late.

I t  w a s  t o o  l a t e.

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