My OT3 - ClassicCherryBerry

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Red had always wanted kids. But never in a million years did he think he'd deserve a kid, let alone get one. And now, he had to deal with the shit that came with it.... Being the one carrying the kid for nine months and all. Now, he sat on the couch, ecto-tum hidden under his shirt, three months into the hell of child-carrying.

However, this did not bother him much. He was lazy all the time, so sitting around doing nothing didn't bother him much. Random mood swings could be dealt with. And who said it wasn't fun? At this current moment, he'd gotten Sans to get him a snack from the kitchen. Blue hadn't returned from work yet, and Red now got to order Sans around. 

His alternate soon came back with a plate piled high with the random contents of their fridge, which included pickles, some leftover tacos, and two pancakes. And on the side, some delicious mustard. Red took the plate and balanced it on the armrest of the couch, taking a pancake and grumpily shoving it into his mouth. "Before I met you, I don't think I've seen anyone eat pancakes as grumpily as that before." Sans snickered and sat next to Red, smirking. 

"Fuck you..." Red mumbled through his bite of food and focused on the TV. "I'm pretty sure that's how you got pregnant, babe." Sans pointed out. Red rolled his crimson eyelights and picked up the mustard bottle. He looked at the current contents of his plate, and put into action his decision to dump mustard on everything. He picked up a taco, now drenched in mustard, and took another bite. "I fucking love food." Red said through his food and swallowed. "more than you love Blue?" Sans scoffed fakely and put a hand to his chest. "How dare you!" He finished and slowly let himself fall off the couch. "What the fuck are you even doing?" Red watched Sans slowly sink to the floor.

Red snickered at the completely random sight, and poked Sans with his foot. "Get off the floor. I mean, I'd say it's filthy but Blue literally just cleaned it yesterday." Red said and poked Sans again. As if on cue, Blue walked into the house a few moments later. Red looked up at the smaller skeleton and waved a hand.... the hand still holding a taco. Mustard dripped onto Red's shirt, to Blue's tortured gaze. "Okay! Take it off." Blue stomped up to Red and held out a hand. 

Red was confused for a moment until he realized Blue meant his shirt. "Wait... what?" Red's face flushed lightly and he looked at Blue like he'd just kicked a puppy or some shit. "Take the shirt off, I need to start the laundry anyways." Blue said sternly. Red looked at Sans for help. Sans just shrugged and got back up to sit on the couch. Red turned his gaze back to Blue. "Ehhh why? It's just a little mustard...." 

"I don't care if it's just a little mustard. It could stain your shirt." Blue said and pouted. Who could resist that face? A pregnant skeleton who's dealt with that before, that's who. Red just returned the pout and stuck out the tip of his red-glowing ecto-tongue. "Fine, I'll take it off for you." Blue grinned mischievously and grabbed the bottom of Red's shirt, peeling it off of him. Red, of course, was too lazy to be a stubborn ass and fight back. "Fine, I hope you don't mind me going shirtless for a while, because all my other shirts are dirty." Red shrugged and went back to snacking on his plate of food. "That... is truly disgusting." Blue's gaze landed on the mustard-covered taco and then rolled his eyelights, and walked up the stairs to their rooms, probably to gather the laundry. 

After a few minutes, Blue had started the laundry and now walked back to the living room. "Your brother also is throwing a party tomorrow, by the way." Blue looked at Sans. "Ehh why?" 

"Because he wanted to! I don't know!" Blue said. "Just... be prepared when I get home from work tomorrow." He finished. "I wont." Red said monotonously and shifted his position so his feet were propped up on Sans' lap. Sans looked at him and smiled softly, and looked at Blue. "Hey Blue you want some couch cuddles?" He said, trying to change the subject. Blue paused for a moment, his pouting face turning to a smile. Red had no choice but to shift his position again so Blue could sit on one side of him, and Sans on the other. "Why do I always have to be in the middle?" Red asked, fake pouting. "Because you're pregnant and we love you," Blue stated, as if obvious. "And you are literally like a fucking heater, you're really warm all the time Red." Sans finished for Blue.

Blue huffed after tucking himself to Red's side. "Language, Sans." He said and didn't even bother looking around Red and at Sans. "Yeah yeah whatever." Sans put an arm around Red's shoulders and clanked his teeth to the side of Red's skull. Blue chose the better option and turned Red's face with his hand, pressing his teeth to Red's. 

Red rolled his eyelights and looked back at the TV, curled up between his two favorite people, content. Of course, he had to slowly slip his hand beneath Blue's shirt, and then suddenly assaulted the smaller with tickles, causing both of his alternates to burst into laughter. 

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