Betrayed Part 2

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So uh, Boss kinda makes semi-lemony scenes with his dicketry, but like.... no actual mature stuff.

A week earlier.

Sans walked through the forest, rubbing at his bare humeri before he stopped in front of a portal. He didn't look very surprised. Just a week earlier he had been met with a similar scene, and had nearly dusted the skeleton that stepped through. Now, he waited apprehensively. The skeleton stepped through once more, towering over Sans with what seemed to be a permanent cruel grin on his face. "I appreciate you meeting me here again, Razz." He said in a smooth, calm voice that one wouldn't think was possible from the intimidating skeleton.

"I thought I told you not to call me that, asshole." Sans muttered, shivering a little. Normally his magic kept him warm, though tonight seemed a little more chilly than usual. "I apologize, M'Lord." The taller skeleton mocked his lazier fell counterpart. "You're glad I don't dust you right now..." Sans growled and glared at him. The tall skeleton's nickname, unfortunately, was Boss. And every time Sans used it, 'Boss' smiled smugly.

"But you have not yet, my dear friend." Boss practically purred, his eyelights glowing. "I hardly doubt that we are 'friends', Boss." Sans sighed, sounding a little tired. "Oh. Well, perhaps I can do something do change that? How about giving you some helpful advice?" Boss said, watching an interested and curious look cross Sans' face. Without any hesitation, Boss elaborated, "What if I could tell you a way to make your... 'brother', obey your every command, whatever you want, whenever you want?" He grinned as he finished his sentence, enjoying the surprised but greedy look on the smaller's face.

Sans thought it over for a moment, glancing at Boss skeptically. His brother constantly pissed him off, leaving socks everywhere, hardly ever cleaning to his expectations. "...Tell me more." Sans found himself mumbling, looking shyly up at Boss. His brother's alternate grinned wickedly, stepping closer and around Sans, pacing as he seemed deep in thought. 

Sans shivered, for once not from the cold, as a gloved hand brushed very lightly over the exposed part of his pelvis. This motherfucker... He turned his face to glare at Boss, though it was rather un-intimidating  with how flustered he looked. "I propose you do what I would normally do, punish him for everything that bothers you. This has worked extremely well for me with my brother. Make your brother know who's... 'Boss'." Boss smirked at his own joke, which was a sort of humor that rarely came from the skeleton. Hell, it never came from Boss, who normally despised them. Sans, of course, did not know this.

"B-But, if I do that, he might be mad at me..." Sans stammered quietly, horrified at the thought of betraying what shred of trust he still could get from his brother. "He won't be, promise. He'll behave better than he ever has, and you know you want that." Boss purred in his ever-smooth voice. Sans still seemed very hesitant, frowning in a way that made Boss grin even wider, however possible. His mind was soon made up, however, when Boss's gloved hands found themselves dipping below the waistband of Sans' shorts in a way that nearly had the small skeleton's magic forming already.


Present Day.

Sans stomped through the snow once more, a look of fury on his face.

That asshole was going to die. The smug bastard's dust would decorate the ground like so much of the other monsters that crossed his path before. He... he had made him do something he didn't want to. No... Sans couldn't blame Boss for that. He could only blame himself for listening to this... this... ugh! He wasn't thinking right, the Malicious Sans was now mentally tortured at the thought of his dear brother, dead. 

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