chapter 39

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“Hey Finn!” They entered the stadium where the team was in the middle of practice. When they saw Finn and Rachel enter they stopped and rushed over to them. Rachel felt a little overwhelmed. They were all so tall and there were just staring. How rude, she thought. 

“What’s up fellas? I just wanted to come by and introduce Rachel to all of you and I had to talk to coach for a minute.” After a few minutes, Rachel was introduced to everyone on the team. She wasn’t going to remember all their names and hoped that she wasn’t expected to. 

“Rach!” Drew came up behind her, he was still in the locker room when they first arrived, and lifted her up off her feet. 

“Oh God! Let me down!” Rachel squealed out. And as soon as she was on her feet, she wrapped her arms around Drew allowing him to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. 

“How are you?” Rachel asked and Finn stood watching her interact with him. He bit back the bile that threatened to rise. That’s how they used to be, so carefree and so interested in one another. Not that he felt threatened by Drew, he trusted Drew with his life. But it hurt all the same. He craved that with Rachel, but every step it seemed they took forward. They took three steps back. 

“I’m good! Just trying to keep Finn from dumping the crutches and running to the court.” Rachel joked and much to Finn's surprise she gave him a quick wink. Maybe it’s not as bad as he thought. 

“Ahem! Did you forget I was still standing here?” Finn asked playfully. 

“Yeah, man. How you feeling?” Drew gave Finn a pat on the back before he caught the coach heading over. 

“I’m doing much better. Thanks.” Rachel then stood watching Finn with Drew. How they got along so well, she was thankful that Finn had someone while he was on the road. It must have been lonely. 

Just thinking about that made Rachel feel sick. If he was lonely, who was there at night by his side? Was there anyone? Obviously he didn’t have a girlfriend if he was trying to work things out with her. But did he fall in love? Did it end badly? 

“Rach?” Finn placed an arm on her shoulder shaking her from her thoughts. 

“Sorry. What did you say?” 

“I was just introducing you to coach O’Neal.” After the introductions, Rachel and Finn took a seat on the benches and watched the guys practice. Every now and again Rachel would ask Finn a question, but it was all related to the game or one of the guys. Nothing too meaningful. 

“You hungry, Rachel?” 

“Yeah, I am.” 

“Let’s go. And then after we eat I have a surprise for you.” 

“A surprise?” 

“Yes. And you are not getting it out of me.” Finn threw her a knowing smirk before they exited the stadium. 

“Wow! This is so beautiful, Finn. I’ve never seen anything like it before. I love it!” Rachel was practically skipping over to the center attraction in a nearby park. It was filled with people but she didn’t care. 

“I love fountains!” She stated staring up at a massive stone fountain as Finn reached her side. 

“I know you do, that’s why I figured we could eat our lunch here.” 

“Oh really? That sounds perfect.” Rachel smiled and they found a spot in the grass nearby to sit and eat. 

Finn was so nervous. This wasn’t her surprise and now he had to tell her that. He just hoped that when she saw it she didn’t slap him silly. 


“Yeah?” They had finished their lunch and now were just sitting near the statue. Rachel loved how the water cascaded all around and created a soothing sound. She could almost fall asleep to it. It was so relaxing, that’s why she loved them so much. 

“This…this isn’t your surprise. I wanted to show you something else.” 

“Okay. Well what is it?” 

“We have to go back to my house for it.” Rachel didn’t know why, but she felt a little unsettled by Finn's words. However, there was nothing she could do because eventually they would go back to the house. So she couldn’t avoid it. 

“Let’s go then.” Rachel smiled and helped Finn to his feet. A few minutes later they were headed back to his house. 

For Finn, it would mean a turning point in their reconciliation or the destruction of everything they’ve established thus far. For Rachel, it meant the potential to loose her heart again. She vowed she’d never let Finn Hudson hurt her again, never let him close to her heart. Yet every moment she spent with him, she felt that determination slipping from her grasps. She hoped she could hold onto it a little longer. 

So what do you think the surprise is that Finn has planned for Rachel

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