chapter 66

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Yessss I have returned😄 I did ok on Thursday me and my friends did a glee-athon then when we watched the tribute we played the glee karaoke on my wii to cheer us up and it worked up until we looked on lea's instagram😢😢 how did you guys do on Thursday? Anyway on with the story😁

“Rach, would you relax?” Maria huffed and blew a strand of hair away from her face. Rachel was in her dress but she was pacing. 

“What if he changes his mind? He wanted to get married a month after he proposed, what if he realizes that we’re rushing this now?” Rachel nibbled on her bottom lip and resisted the urge to call Finn and make sure he didn’t skip town. She knew she was thinking crazy, but this was a life-changing event. 

“You’re kidding right?” Isabel asked as she sprayed some perfume on her neck. 

“No,” Rachel answered as if it was the most absurd question in the world. 

Isabel turned and framed Rachel's face in her hands, “Rach, my brother has wanted to marry you for a very long time. Just the fact that he bought your ring so long ago, should be enough proof of just how much he wants this day to happen.” Rachel took a deep breath and smiled. 

“You’re right! Thank you.” Both girls hugged Rachel, but Rachel's mood changed quickly as she pulled away. 

“Oh no! What’s wrong?” Maria asked. And she thought she overreacted, Rachel was a basket case today. 

“It’s because of the both of you meddling in my life, and Finn's life that I’m here today.” Rachel began getting choked up.

“No, honey. We just love to push the envelope. My brother always had plans for getting you back. It might have taken longer, but you were always part of his life plan. Even if he was a total moron,” Isabel rolled her eyes and all three girls nodded their agreement before laughing. 

There was a knock on the door; it was Rachel's mother, “You ready baby?” 

“Yes. I am.” Rachel smiled brightly and grabbed her bouquet exiting the room. 

Sorry for the short chapter I will try to make the next on longer

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