Chapter three: Killing two birds with one stone

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"Someone call an ambulance! There's a man dead in the middle of the road, there's blood everywhere." The man said one of the waiters had gotten the manager who called the police. "Now sir, please calm down and tell me what you saw," said the manager in a soothing voice, "okay I was driving pass when I saw a man lying face up and his face... was gone it looked like it was shot in, he's also missing a leg and an arm." The man said softly. Everyone in the restaurant immediately ran outside to see if the man was telling the truth. As the crowd of people came close most shielded their children's eyes from the gruesome site they saw, indeed the man was telling the truth.

Camilla and the rest of the group had to push through the crowd to see what the swarm of people were looking at. The four women stopped in their tracks when they saw the site. "Is that...?" said Lola shaking, "Yes I think it is." Whispered Madison, "Marcus!" screamed Selene. Then all of a sudden, Selene started to run towards Marcus, "Selene, come back!" yelled Camilla finally getting her voice, she tried to grab Selene. She was only able to grab Selene's shirt sleeve, which slowed her down slightly.

"No I have to get Marcus." Screamed Selene yanking her sleeve away from Camilla and ran into the street, the tears that were falling down her face blurred her vision. If Camilla had not of grabbed her sleeve Selene may have made it, but because she was slowed down Selene never saw the 18-wheeler truck until it was too late.

The whole accident happened in slow motion for everyone that was watching, Selene was a few steps short of Marcus' body, and then the truck hit her. There was silence throughout the crowd, the three other friends had been crying the whole time. Given that they were the closes to the road, the women were hit by the blood and guts from Selene.

"I wonder what happened up there?" asked Seth to Brad and Deacon. "Not a clue but why don't you pull over and we go check it out." Offered Deacon, "sounds like a good plan," said Brad. Therefore, Seth pulled up into a small motel's parking lot, and parked. The three men jogged over to where the police cars, ambulances and fire trucks were. When they got closer they saw a trail of blood on the road, and they heard crying coming from the crowd. They were extremely confused; Brad walked up to one of the police officer's and asked "um excuse me officer but could you tell us what happened here?" the officer replied, "a woman got hit by a truck and there was a dead man in the street." "Really?" said Deacon to himself. "Seth!" yelled Madison from behind one of the paramedics. "Madison? Are you okay?" asked Seth running up to her, "Selene and Marcus are....." Madison broke down crying harder. "Dead" Lola finished as she hugged Brad before she fainted. "I'm going home." Said Camilla in a faraway tone, after the paramedics checked out everyone the girls got to leave. On the way home, she could not get the scene to stop replaying in her head.

 On the way home, she could not get the scene to stop replaying in her head

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Camilla got home, she went straight to have a shower. Camilla scrubbed and scrubbed her skin until it turned red and raw, she cried as she scrubbed. While she was scrubbing, she screamed into the scorching water cascading down onto her head, "Why the fuck is this happening, I didn't come back to this place for this shit!" next she knew her phone was ringing. Looking at the clock, she cursed under her breath, who would call so late. She was amazed at how she had slept the whole day, finally when she got up enough energy to answer the phone she was less then kind to the caller.

"What?" she sighed, "Uh hi Camilla?" asked a male voice on the other end. "What the fuck possessed you to call me at this time of night." Camilla snapped pulling the covers over her head to keep in the warmth. "Wow sorry I'll call you back later since I woke you up." He said, "Who are you?" she asked.

"It's Deacon, and I'm really sorry if I woke you up, I couldn't sleep so I was looking in my car and I found your wallet on the passenger side. I just thought that I would return it." Deacon said, "But seeing as how you were sleeping I'll bring it by later. So you can go back to sleep," continued Deacon. "There is absolutely no point you woke me up and now I can't get back to sleep, just bring my wallet by, anyway how long will you be?" asked Camilla, "I'm in the drive way." Deacon said.

Deacon started to laugh when he heard her swear under her breath, then he saw the curtains move to one side showing a head peeking out. After that Camilla spoke, "I'm not dressed for company." "Doesn't matter, it's not like I'm properly dressed either," replied Deacon smartly. "Down in a second." Were Camilla's last words before she hung up, Deacon got out of the car and walked up to the door with her wallet in his hand.

He had only waited a minute before she opened the door, when she did her front hall was dark and he could only see the outline of her. "Come in you are letting the cold in," she said shivering. Once inside he shrugged off his jacket and handed it to her, after she hung up his jacket he followed her into the living room where she had decided to turn on a side table lamp. When the light turned on, Deacon had to stifle a groan, because she was wearing extremely short shorts, which were black with a white wife beater that hugged her form nicely. He had also noticed that she, was not wearing a bra and the little exposure to the cold had hardened her nipples. It took him awhile to look away before she noticed anything different about him. "My wallet please," Camilla said extending her hand out, Deacon stood up and handed it over to her. "Hmmm....umm would you like hot chocolate?" asked Camilla hesitantly, "sure" Deacon replied.

When Camilla walked away Deacon got a good look at her behind, and he had to look away quickly or he would be tempted to do something that he knew he would regret. Once Camilla returned with a steaming cup of hot chocolate for the both of them, Deacon blurted out, "Why do you hate me?" The question had surprised Camilla, "excuse me?" she asked. "You heard me. Why do you hate me?" Deacon repeated his question looking at her straight in the eye. "You and your whore of a girlfriend embarrassed me so badly that I had to leave town. That's why I hate you, we were supposed to be friends but when Tiffany came along, you changed and not for the better." Camilla said frowning down at her cup, as if there was something floating in it.

Then Deacon remembered how Tiffany and he copied the movie Carey but instead of dumping blood on her, they had dumped rotten fish guts on her head. In the middle of the cafeteria, everyone was watching and that was the plan. To make it even worse earlier Camilla had confessed her feelings to Deacon, but he just laughed and said how he does not date fat, ugly greasy man looking chicks. Unaware to Camilla was that he had been tapping the whole thing, so after the students in the cafeteria finishing laughing Tiffany had pulled down the screen that was in there. Then they put the tape into a projector, and let the whole school watch how he turned her down harshly. Deacon even remembered how she was crying, and when she was trying to leave, she had slipped on some of the guts and fell face first into the ground. That was the last time anyone saw her till now. "I'm sorry." Deacon said hanging his head down in shame, "sorry doesn't cut it; pouring rotten fish on me is okay. You turning me down like that whatever, you showing half of the school how you turned me down meh. However, the fact that you were supposed to be my fucking friend that hurt me the most and why did you choose me and only me. Huh, was it because I was fat?" seethed Camilla, "I understand Cam..." Deacon tried to say but she interrupted him. "No you don't fucking understand Deacon, you and that bitch messed me up so badly that I had to take anti-depressants and sleeping pills, that I still have to fucking take because I still relive that scene every time I close my god damn eyes. Now can you really say you understand what I went through? Oh and I got so sick that I never ate for days, and when I wouldn't eat they had to force feed me, and that hurt like a bitch," raged Camilla. Deacon just looked at her in shock, because you would have never known what she went through by her appearance. By the end of her rant she was standing in front of him hands balled into fists, staring down at him Camilla wanted to punch for all of the hardships she went through. She watched, as he towered over here, not really sure, what he was going to do she watched him carefully.

Although what he did next shocked Camilla, he bent down and hugged her. She was speechless, frozen by the hug Camilla just stood there unable to hug him back. "If I could I would take all that back, I was just a jerk. I didn't realize that I had a good friend," he whispered in her ear. Coming out of her daze she hugged him back, they stood there holding each other for half an hour. During that time each took in the feeling of the others embrace, Deacon felt warm and strong. He had grown up so much, Camilla thought squeezing him tighter she felt every sculpted detail of his upper body. Holding Camilla was as if he was holding a doll, she was so small compared to him. When she clutched him tighter made his heart flutter, resting his left cheek on the top of her head. Closing his eyes, he felt at peace holding her, hearing her sigh made him loosen his grip on her.

"Sorry if I held on for too long," he said looking down at her. Looking up into his nicely aged face made feelings; she once had start to surface again. Shaking her head, she smiled and replied, "no that's fine I kind of enjoyed it."

Smiling Deacon reluctantly let her go and sat back on the couch, following suit Camilla sat on the opposite end of couch. Putting her feet up so they were crossed, she grabbed a pillow and placed it in her lap. "So what do you for a living?" she asked Deacon, "I run my dad's old winery." Nodding Camilla was shocked to see that he was doing something with his life, "so Missy what you have been doing, for all these years." He asked, "well I moved to Arbour City, and lived with my dad." Pausing for a bit, she thought, "then I went university, and now I work at an upscale magazine." The two talked all throughout the night and right up until the sun began to rise.

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