Chapter five: Betrayal

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It had been a month since the three deaths and the note happened. The six friends had tried to go back to normal but they were still yearning to know who could kill these people. During this tragic time, Camilla and Deacon had grown closer, to each other. It was Friday night and the six friends decided to go to the movies, when they got there they had a hard time figuring out what type of movie they wanted to watch. "What about the Lake House? Oh I would love to have a piece of that sexy Keanu." Said Lola swooning over the poster of the movie, everyone just looked at her as if she was crazy. "I hate romantic movies, they make me gag." Said Camilla pretending to puke, "I agree with her," replied Madison. "Okay how about Underworld Evolution?" asked Deacon. "No you know how many times I seen it, my family is mostly made up of guys and they all wanted to see that movie." Said Camilla shaking her head, "okay how about that movie Betrayal? I haven't seen the preview on TV so I say we should see it," said Brad making it final. Once they purchased their tickets, they went to get their seats. When they got into the theatre, it was crowded with people, "Wow." Was all Lola said walking to their seat, the group decided to sit in the middle where there was some room.

Once the previews started, the theatre became quiet. As the movie came on no one was prepared to see what the movie was going to be. There on the screen was none other than Lola, and she was in a park during a beautiful summer day talking to someone. When the camera turned to the person Lola was talking to, the group was shocked. "So when are you going to leave Selene?" Lola asked running a hand up and down Marcus' arm, "I want to leave her next week, but you have to leave Brad next week as well." He said kissing her on the cheek softly. Everyone turned to Lola and looked at her bewildered; Brad thought he was going to pass out. He felt so betrayed the love of his life had an affair with one of his best friends. Brad could not get he was paralyzed in his seat, and then the scene changed to Marcus and Lola having sex in Brad's bed. Brad closed his eyes but it did not stop him hearing Lola call out Marcus' name, he got up and left the theatre quickly. The others were about to leave but then it showed Lola and Marcus talking again but this time it was about the others. "Hey Lola you know who I cannot stand to be around?" said Marcus lying beside Lola in bed, Lola answered "who?" "Deacon and Seth," he said, "Why what did they do?" Lola asked propping herself up on a pillow.

"Seth I swear is an idiot. It is as if he cannot figure out things for himself, now Deacon, he is a fucking loser for dating that whore Tiffany. I mean yes I would choose Tiffany's crabs over Camilla, because let us face it Camilla is ugly as sin. Although how does Deacon know that he didn't contract any diseases that she could have." Laughed Marcus, "I know what you're saying I mean you are lucky you did not have to take gym with Camilla; I mean the girl smelt so terrible after we had gym I had to secretly spray her with some perfume to put the smell at bay." Laughed Lola, "and you know what Madison needs to be slapped in the face, for talking so damn much. She always acts like she's better than us." Sneered Marcus, "I absolutely agree she just doesn't know when to shut up." Lola said nodding her head, "you want to know the funniest thing I ever saw in my life. The time Deacon and Tiffany made fun of Camilla the day she left, she is such a little bitch. I mean she should have gotten over that shit, but no, she had to make a big deal out of it. I was one of the people who laughed at her," chuckled Marcus, "I got to agree with you on that, I had to hide my face so she wouldn't see me laughing. Her face was fucking priceless," laughed Lola. "Enough of this talks about trash, I just want to fuck you all night and day long," said Marcus rolling on top of Lola.

Immediately as the credits were about to come up the movie of Camilla getting fish guts and her getting turned down came on to the screen. Everyone in the theatre started to laugh, Camilla could not take the laughing crowd even after so many years and so she quickly got up and ran out to find Brad. After she got up so did the rest of the group including Lola, when Camilla got out of the theatre she saw Brad leaning against a wall. She approached him very slowly, "Brad you alright?" she asked, "what do you think? How would you feel if the man that you were married to did that to you?" yelled Brad breaking down and crying. "Yes I do know how it feels for someone to do that to you, but that doesn't mean that you can't be strong and try to get over that person." Said Camilla rubbing Brad's back, as Camilla was talking, she never noticed Madison, Seth, and Deacon Walk up to them followed by a shaken Lola. "Guys what you saw in there....was.....I'm so totally sorry, for that. I never knew someone had taped that," said Lola looking at the five "well whoever did wanted us to know, you fucking two faced bitch," said Madison, "How could you do that to me Lola? I was nothing but good to you, so how could you just go behind my back with my best friend?" asked Brad, "I did it because I wanted to," said Lola with no remorse.

They were dumb founded by her cold response, "you're a stupid whore, Lola you were always a whore and you call yourself a friend." Seth said angrily, "Please you make me sick just looking at you. I do not care what you said about me, but what you said about Madison and Camilla. That was low really low." Said Seth continued as he shook his head, "I....don't know what to say," said Lola looking at the five other people. "You don't have to say anything the video said it all." Said Camilla, "come on Brad you could stay at my house," said Deacon patting Brad on his right shoulder. "Alright thanks Deacon, and Lola I hope you get hit by a bus." Hissed Brad leaving Lola, standing there staring at his retreating back. Watching the five of them leave Lola was about to follow them, when someone from the shadows grabbed her.

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