(19) Imagine Yourself

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This one is for you to interpret, imagine who you want. It's wattpad, of course I have to write a chapter like this.

I'm sorry if the gender doesn't fit to what you want to imagine, Just switch any adverbs *him, his, he* if you please.

If you're not into smut, then why the hell are you reading my book anyways. Granted it's not ALL smut, but, I mean..

The door is right there so you can take your hurtful comments too.

Anyways, Onto the smut :3


(Your POV) I got home pretty late after a night with (Y/Bff/N). She also insisted -after already dragging me out of the house- to have a couple of drinks.

She basically poured the bottle of vodka down my damn throat.

I could easily guess that she was already tispy when I went over there but hey, I loved her crazy ass.

I hadn't realized I was that loud when I basically crashed into the front door of my shared apartment. I shared it with the amazingly gorgeous guy.

What was his name?

I couldn't even remember his name because I was so drunk and tired that I didn't even notice him talking to me.

"(Y/N)? Are you even listening?" He grumbled, his gruff voice ringing in my ears.

"Actually no, I was not. S-sorry about that." I slurred.

"Oh my lord. You're drunk again. Was it about your ex again? I swear I'll kill hi-"

"No no n-no.. Don't even say that again. He's fine. I juss wanted to drink with my best friend.. I'm wayyyy over him." I mumbled mostly to myself. I couldn't just lie. I really didn't want to but it flowed out of my mouth so fast.

Fuck. something else might.

I rushed to the bathroom and bent over the toilet, spilling my guts out.

"Bloody hell (Y/N)! Are you okay, love?" He said sounding slightly more awake. He grabbed my hair and placed a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.


Even though I was vomiting hard and it burned like a bitch. I was still happy that he called me that.

Goddamn.. what is his name?

I wipe my mouth with some toilet paper and flush it all away.

I was about to get up and go to bed but a pair of strong arms pick me up and I squeal.

"What're you doing you big goof?" I groan.

"I'm taking you to bed." He said in a 'matter of fact' tone. We turned the corner of the hall and reached his room.

Wait I thought he was taking me to bed?

He set me on his bed, damn was it comfy.

"I'll be right back." He said and left. I saw the hall light turn off and he returned with a glass of water and an Advil.

"Wait, where are you sleeping?" I said as I downed the water and Advil.

"On the couch. Or I can next to you if you want." He said turning red slightly, the room was only dim due to just a lamp by the bedside. I could still tell that he was blushing.

Damn he's cute but I don't know his name.

"Sleep in here, please.." I said as I snuggled under the blanket. He nodded and climbed under the covers.

I closed my eyes as he mumbled something I couldn't hear. He wrapped an arm around me before I crashed hard into a deep sleep I would soon regret.

I woke up the next day to my roommate hugging close to me and a killer head ache worse than last night.

I turn around in the pair of arms and see him still asleep, his mouth slightly open. I run a hand across his face, feeling the bit of stubble against my fingers. I bit my lip in attempts to hold in the fact I wanted to kiss his plump looking lips. He was so sweet last night and it meant a lot he didn't take advantage of my drunken state.

"Thank you.." I whisper quietly, unable to resist the urge to kiss him. I connect my lips to his quickly, pulling away before I woke him.

"No need to thank me, love." He mumbled, opening his eyes and smiling down at me.

I felt my face heat up.

I just kissed my roommate..

I just kissed my amazingly attractive roommate.

"I'll just go.." I said trying to wiggle out of his arms.

"Please don't.." He said with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"But why?" I said as I looked back up at him.

"Because this will probably be the only time I'll be able to hold you." He said honestly.

"Who said that?" I smirk a little.

"Wait.. I need to clear this up before I go insane. I like you a lot (Y/N). I can't just be your roommate. Can we be more than that?" He said placing a hand on my jaw, rubbing his thumb on my cheek.

"Well, I actually do like you.. You're just so kind to me. So of course we can be more than roommates." I said as leaning close to him. Our noses brushed against each other and he sighed, biting his lip.

I kissed him.

And I knew who I was kissing, his name flowing back into my mind after forgetting it last night.

I kissed (H/N)

Sorry it was short :/

Hope you liked it. Hopefully you didn't get lost with the whole (Y/N) (H/N) thing.

Like I said, if you've been on wattpad enough, you should know what that means XD

Thank you for reading, love. See you in the next one

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