Chapter 22

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I couldn't ignore it anymore. It was simply too hot. I press my edges, feeling the beaded perspiration. I shudder at the sudden burst on air conditioning, cooling the cold sweat that gathered on the back of my neck. Chris's bear body is the culprit. I mean, he was all up on me.

Shaking my head, I creep down the stairs in search for my iPod. It died last night, but Red had a portable charger. The question was only a matter of location.

I saw the shine of it as soon as I got off the stairs. I picked it up, but the case wasn't on right, so it fell right on the floor. Cursing, I bent down to pick up to find something attached to the back. I sent a quick thanks up to Jesus as I wiped my finger over the screen to find it was uncracked. I pulled the paper off the back. The front says 'you might want to see this' with no signature. The inside was a printout of a newspaper article. 'Suspect of Missing Williams Case Escaped'


"How come you didn't come back to bed last night?" Chris asks, pointedly.

"Because it was way too hot, and you was all up on a broad."

"It ain't never bothered you before." "It ain't never bothered you before." I mocked under my breath.

"I don't even sound like that." "Okay, well it was never 100 degrees before. Can I ask you a question?"

"Like the one you just asked? Yeah." "Are you antisocial?" "What makes you ask that, ma?" "I don't know. I mean, I always so on Instagram how everyone loves your parties, and you haven't thrown any lately."

"That's because I...I wanted to you to get used to life before I invite a whole bunch of people over." "Makes sense," I nod, pretending to accept that answer that was obviously a lie.

"What?" He asks. Sometimes I wonder if that's his favorite question. "It's just... you never go out, and when you do, it's always with the same people."

"All you had to was ask," he starts, leading me into the living room and onto his lap. "Kid, Red, and John are my boys. I can trust them with anything because they ain't gold diggers like the rest of 'em. And, they can always come here. In the past, the only times I went out was to go to parties and clubs. I don't need to go now that I have you." He explains, running his fingers up and down my arm.

He pecks my lips softly before leaning in again. Knowing where this is headed, I quickly kiss him again before stopping him. "I've gotta go flip the pancakes." "Forget about them pancakes. We can go hit up Denny's later." He mumbles, pulling me into him.

"But I'm hungry now..." "Okay, stop complaining like a child." "I technically am still a child." It was now his turn to mock me. "My name is Jessica and I'm technically still a child.. Haaaaaaaa"

"That's not funny."

"Really, cuz I swear I just laughed. But speaking of unfunny things, why did you let that crazy bi-" "Uh-uh" I interrupted. "Bench. Why did you just let that crazy bench to your birthday celebration, and then act like y'all cool?" He's one to talk, acting like he just didn't call me an expletive that I cannot stand.

I stare at my hands, fumbling around for an excuse. "Well, she's my best friend. We fight all the time, but this is the first time it has ever gotten physical. I kind of feel bad for her."


"Because- well, because I think she's jealous."

"Jealous? Why would she be jealous?"

"Um, I don't know, she's had a crush on you for the longest and now you and I are in a committed relationship?"

"Oh we're in a committed relationship now?" He says, voice husky.

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