Chapter 23

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"Jess?" "Mm?" I look up from Teen Vogue. "Aye, you know I feel about you readin' books and magazines and stuff,"

I'm pretty sure that fashion can't ruin my brain,"

I tuck my legs back into my oversized shirt. "If that's what you call fashion then..." He dragged. "Here, read this," he said, after flipping through it.

"National Geographic? It's just pictures of frogs."

"Frogs are impo'tant'. 'There were no frogs, they be a whole bunch of mosquitoes trynna bite you, but you al'ready know how it is," he turns my arm over, revealing rows of bites.

"Leave me alone,"

"Aiight, but you 'posed ta talk to that crazy guhl today."

"I forgot,"

"I can see that," he remarks, surveying my outfit. To say the most, my outfit was 'homey'.

"Jess! Let's go" Chris shouts from downstairs.

"Okay!" I yell. I hate being rushed. I'll get there when I get there.

I tilt my head and decide. "Icky picky ponkey, daddy got a donkey. Donkey died, daddy cried, icky picky ponkey." I land on a long-sleeved shirt. I mentally high-fived myself. At least I'll have some protection if she decides to maul my eyes out again.

I slid down the stairs on my butt. "What are you, five?" Chris snickers. I grin. "Nope, I'm fourteen."


"So I've decided to join the police academy."

"Uh no, definitely not."


"It 'on' e'en matter why. Jus' 'cause I said so"

"That makes no sense. I need my community service hours and it keeps me in shape."

"First, you ain' e'en in high school yet. Second, ya just turnt fo'teen, and ya neet tah be fifteent tah join."

"They have roles of managers that 14 year olds can join to see what it's like there. Also, summer is ending soon."

"Ain't e'en matter, you're not doing it."

He's really getting under my skin. There are no negatives to my plan.

"Says who?" I retort, with a lil attitude.

"I know ya ain't getting' smart wit' me ma,"

"I don't know what you know, I'm not a mind reader."

"Bet, say one mo' thing of that stupid shi, we ain't goin'"

"I don't even like her"

"So why the hell was she at yo birthday party? It 'on' e'en matter, we goin' back home"

"I felt like I owed her." I tilted my head up defiantly.

"thassa dumbass thing tah say. Y'on owe her nun"

"Where you going?" I questioned as he turned around to the car after he unlocked the front door.

"To the sto'"

"Well get some notebooks and pens."

"Why?" He licked his lips. 

"Because school is starting and I haven't been registered yet."

"Ya sure you don't wanna be homeschooled? I'm a good teacher," he winked.

"Goodbye,Chris," I walked inside the house and shut the door. I should be able to go the next grade. I only failed three classes, and I think going to summer school for 3 weeks will save me, right? 

A/N: This chapter was mostly uneventful, but I have to crank out chapters like these to get to the good parts. What do you guys think is going to happen next? I already have planned out the rest of the story, lol, but I want to know what you guys think is gonna happen. 

As always, comment, vote, and do a backflip!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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