Chapter Six

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Trial day came. I was feeling nervous . If my lawyer failed to prove me innocent , I could have a life sentence to jail and 6 strokes of the cane . I came out of the police van with a cloth covering my face and all the news press coming at me . They were asking questions like :" Why did you kill that man ? " and " Are you sure you are innocent ? There are evidence that shows you are the culprit. I thought I might lose my temper and strangle them . Thankfully , I did not .

I finally entered the court room . My parents and sister were sitting at the front row. All of us praying that the judge will say I am innocent . I sat at the chair . The guard was right next to me , in case I get violent. The judge then came in . We all stood up . He then sat down and all of us did. The then read the case number . My case was case no. 23 . The persecutor said :" Samson Johnson is guilty of comitting first degree murder and theft on 29th of May 2017 at 8.00p.m. , 30 minutes before the shop closes. A witness stated that he saw a man , driving to the front of the store , with a black car, going into the shop before hearing gun shots , coming from there. He then fled the scene .

The judge said :" Defendant ." My lawyer stood up and said :" My client pleads he is innocent ." Before sitting down . The witness then came into the court and told him what he witnessed that day to the judge. The judge took a while to think . He then said :" Mr . Samson is guilty of commiting the crimes , he is sentenced to a life sentence and six strokes of the cane. He said :" Case closed ." I looked at my parents in fear . I then shouted :" MOM! DAD ! I AM INNOCENT ! As they saw me taken away by guards . I was screaming and shouting my way to jail.

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