Chapter Twenty

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With hope down , my shoulders weighed down , I don't know what to be doing right now . Whether I should just go into the police station and say :

"I turn myself in .."

And I would get all the bullying from my cell mates and jail mates .. NO WAY , am I going to go there again .. NEVER . I still have some money left over .. Not knowing what to do with it , I gave some of my money to the homeless people around me .

If I am hungry , so are they .. Only the hungry will know what it's like for others to be .. I walked around the park ... Wondering what I should do to prove myself innocent . Then , I saw a girl .. Around four years of age . Crying all by herself .. Without parents or guardians...

I bent down in front of her and said :

"Girl , why are you crying ?"

She said:
"I d-don't know where my parents went ... I am HUNGRY .."

She shouted the last part .. I took her by the hand and brought her to the nearest hot dog stand .. I said to the guy :

"One hot dog please ..."

And I handed him the money .. He kept looking at me ... And I thought he would immediately call the police .. Thankfully, he didn't. I got the bun and kneeled down next to her . I said :

"Here , have this . I know you are hungry . "

She lifted her face and saw mine . She was going to run away .. I said :

"You saw me buying this ... It is your choice if you would want to eat it ."

She ran a few meters away from me .. I didn't chase her . I just let her be .. I walked the opposite direction going outside of the park .. I knew a few people saw me looking suspicious.. But , there is nothing I can do about it ..

Rain drops drizzled on my head ... I saw everyone taking out their umbrellas.. But not me . I didn't have one .. I walked under the intersection and sat there .. Waiting for the rain to stop . It didn't . It rained for quite a while .. That was when three guys started approaching me .

I was just standing there ... Looking at their faces ... Suddenly , I realised that they bullied me while I was in prison .. I turned back and ran .. I don't know how they got out of prison. But , I know they are coming after me .

I ran through the park again ... Now , all drenched in rain ... I ran through the park as fast as I could ... Looking behind of me to see if they are still there ... I ran to the nearest alley and hid myself inside the big trash bin. Unfortunately for me , they found me ... He brought a knife with him ... With the eyes of wanting to stab me ...

My eyes were filled with horror .. Why is he hunting me down ? I just won't get my question answered anytime soon.
His hand is coming nearer and nearer towards me . I held his hand and asked him :

"How did you find me ?"

"Why are you hunting for me ?"

He answered with a stab .. He said :

"Because , I never liked you ."

Don't worry , the stab wasn't critical. It was just at my leg ..

I limped .. I tore my shirt in half to bandage my wound. I sat there , in the alley ... With my injured leg ... Again , with no hope .

At that time , I was pretty tired . I lied down , and closed my eyes ... And went dreamland .

It wasn't long before a police officer saw me .. He shouted :

"Hey ! YOU !"

I woke up and started ru-. No , walking ...  Away from him .. Thankfully , he couldn't catch up ... I went near a candy store and walked in . The owner knew who I was and pushed me through the back door . I saw a beach there .. The police officer couldn't find me and walked on . I was still walking when I saw the same officer again . He turned to call some help while I-

I walked towards the sea ... There was an island nearby and I wanted to swim ... While the officer was still calling and asking for help to capture me , I slipped on a slippery rock and fell in the sea ... (Thankfully, I fell in the shallow waters )

Th police officer got help from his colleagues but , I was already in the water .. I didn't want to go to shore because I was scared the police officer found me .... After a few minutes, I guessed they walked away and I came up to shore .

There were lifeguards there on call . They saw me walking out of the water .. They thought I was bitten by a shark .. They treated my leg .. I paid them with all that I've got .

I was in their hut ... Resting for a few days ..

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