Chapter 3

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His Butler, Drunk Part 3

Ciel still had a firm grip on Sebastian's arm from where he had tried to help the demon up. Ciel was worried about Sebastian but he wasn't going to show anymore than he had already. Sebastian was starting to regain some of his balance and said " Let go of me you damn pest."

Whilst he said this he shook Ciel's grip from his arm. This action from the demon cause Ciel scoff. This Cause the demon to half heartedly stood almost falling but some what stabling himself by leaning against the desk a little. Sebastian now let go of the desk completely and stumbled a bit but started walking toward the doo.

This cause Ciel to ask " Sebastian where do you think your going?" With frustration in his voice. Sebastian turned around and said " I'm going to go for a walk" he slurred. By the time Ciel could say anything Sebastian had done left. Ciel just stood there trying to make something of what just happened and bought the palm of his hand to his face.

Sebastian had made his way out of the manor and was now in a alleyway. He didn't know where he was nor did he care. He could feel his self becoming more intoxicated by the second.

He didn't tell Ciel whenever a demon drinks the major effects of the alcohol doesn't kick in till later on because of his demon powers. It might take a day or 2 days for him to sober up. He just sighed as he thought of this he was walking down the alleyway hanging on to the brick wall every now and then. That was until he spotted a pure black cat.

When he saw the kitty his expression changed from being in deep thought to a loving and kind expression. He started walking toward the kitty cat with his arms out going " here kitty, kitty, kitty." His voice was heavily slurred almost incoherent.

That scared the cat and it ran Sebastian tried to run after it but fell on the ground. This cause him to burst out in a giggling fit. He slowly began to get up when a certain voice made him want to cry out in annoyance. He turned around and was meet with a certain redhead reaper.

Ciel was now searching around the manor and had been for about 15 minutes now. He had check pretty much everywhere in the mansion. He sighed and said " Damn it where did Sebastian go, I guess the only thing left to do before I go out searching is to ask the idiots and Snake." He walked down the hallway into the dining room where Mey-Rin was scrubbing the floor.

Mey-Rin looked at Ciel and Said " Good evening young master." Ciel looked at her and then said " Evening Mey-Rin could you go and gather up the others and bring them back in here I wish to have a word with all of you." Mey- rin Looked at him through her cracked spectacles and said " Yes, Young Master I will fetch them yes I will." With that She made her way to the kitchen and the garden and the finally Snake's room.

Sebastian was now starring right at the androgynous redhead reaper. He sighed and brought his hand to his face and sighed. Grell was looking at Sebastian with lust filled eyes and said " Hello Bassy, did you miss me." While he said this he brought his finger and bringing them toward the side of his face in a pose. Sebastian Just sat there thinking why in the hell does this annoying love struck reaper have to see him at such a weak and vulnerable state. Grell looked at Bassy and said " My dear Bassy, why are you on the ground?" Sebastian brought a frightening look to his face and said " That's none of your concern." When he was saying this he realized it came out all slurred. His expression changed to a look of failure.

Grell looked at Bassy confused at why he was slurring. Sebastian was embarrassed because he was looking a mess and sounding worse than how he looked. The only thing that came to mind was to hurry up and get out of there before he did anything stupid. Though there was one problem with his so called plan. He was now trying to stand up but all his attempts failed him. Grell looked at Bassy worry creeping into his stomach and said " Are you okay, my dear Bassy." Sebastian gave Grell a look that would make you think Sebastian was the devil himself. Sebastian finally just sighed and said " Grell *Hiccup* I'm fine * Hiccup* I'm fine okay." What Sebastian didn't realize his how bad he looked at the moment he was on the ground hair leaning over his face dark circles around his blood shot eyes and last but not least his unbuttoned tailcoat and wrinkled shirt and pants.

Sebastian finally made it off the ground on unsteady legs and was leaning onto the wall for support. Grell just looked at Sebastian and walked closer to him and pinned Sebastian up against the wall and put his head in the crook of Sebastian's neck and said " Bassy my dear you are not all right you've been drinking and from the way you look, sound, and smell heavily." Then he moved to unpin Sebastian and took Sebastian's left arm and put it around his shoulder and a hand on Sebastian's waist and said " Let me help you back to the manor." When he said that Sebastian literally jump of Grell's grasp and said " I don't want to go back just yet." Sebastian had a sad expression on his face whilst he said this and with that Grell let out a sigh and said " Fine then you can come with me to collect this soul but after that I'm taking you back to the manor where you can gets some sleep alright." With that said Sebastian nodded and grell rewrapped Sebastians arm over his shoulder and relapsed his had on his waist.

I think that it's coming together well. Let me know what y'all think.

His Butler, Drunk (Black Butler)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora