Chapter 10

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His Butler, Drunk Part 10

He was now standing in front of his master with a big grin on his face. Ciel had a smile on his face as well but his was only to hide the fear of what could go wrong. Sebastian bent down a tad bit and held his arms out in a motion so he could easily pick up his master.

Sebastian now brought his arms underneath Ciel's petite body. He lifted and was now currently carrying the small boy with and enviable sway. He started moving forward only to stop so he could regain his balence.
Ciel looked up at Sebastian and said "Sebastian are you okay, if you need me to I'll walk."

Sebastian looked down at his master and slurred "Thanks for the offer, but it won't be necessary. What kind of *Hiccup* butler would I be if I couldn't do this much for my master." This caused Ciel to have a look of worry on his face and said "Very well if you say so let's go Sebastian." Sebastian swayed and nodded.

With that he ran out the door of the shop. He had to stop to regain balance. He also turned around and tried to lock the door but it was being indisicive, so Ciel leaned down and locked while saying " God we need to get you home, because this is just sad." Sebastian brought a look of disappointment to his face and said "Yes young master."

He jumped to the nearest roof top. He was a little unstable but simply stayed still for a moment and then continued to jump from roof top to roof top.

I was cradling the young master in my arms. My mind was going in and out. The roof tops were becoming very blurred. I took in a deep breathe and started to rush through the roof tops.I was swaying but I refuse to let my master fall in my care. I need to hurry and get back to the manor.

5 minutes time skip

I see the manor. Good I'm almost there. I was landing on the last few roof tops. I put much more force into this jump and landed right in front of the manor. I stumbled a bit and gentle put the young master down. Only for the rest of the world to fade into darkness.

Sebastian had just put me down but only so he could collapse. I turned around and looked at the sleeping form known as my butler and sigh. I begin to move toward him and grabbed his arm in an attempt to hoist him up to carry him to Tanaka who I told to stay and guard the manor.

Though this was a good plan, it was not good for his physical strength. He tried to lift but that failed. Then it came to him.

Drag him by his arms. He moved so that he was now in front of Sebastian. He grabbed his arms and started to pull and they were now getting somewhere.

15 minute Time skip

Yes, it had taken 15 minutes and yes he now had to get him inside but none the less he got him to the front door.
----------Brought to you by a weak Ciel-------------

I had just made it to big ben and now I'm waiting for the others.I took my speticles off and leaned on one of the walls of the giant clock tower, polishing my pistol. I was getting bored.

I started staring at the gun. Thats when I heard a noise. It sounded like a giggle. I knew exactly who made that sound. I look up at one of the stair cases that lead up to the clock, from the outside.

I was looking down at Mey-Rin, as I lighted myself another cigarette. I held it in between my fingers, and let out a friendly giggle. That's when she seemed to notice my presence. She looked up guns cock and strangly she wasn't wearing her glasses, by that action I new she was serious.

I gently put my cigarette back in my mouth and put my hands up in the air and say "Easy, easy Mey-Rin it's just me." Then in her actual voice not the annoying one she does around the manor, said "Oh, Next time dont sneak up on me or i might shoot before looking." She said giving me a side glance as she went back to cleaning her gun.

To be honest I loved her actual voice it made her sound so hot, and the girl can shoot so that's a plus on the sexy meter.

That was when we heard running and someone yelling "Hey, guys did you find Sebastian or The young Master?" We both turn and see Funny running towards us waving. Mey-Rin is the first to answer his question. She sighs and says " No, no sign of them I'm afraid maybe snake will have better luck."

I had just made it back, but sadly no sight of either of them. I saw where the others were gathered and started walking over. I finally spoke up since I didn't want to scare them. "I had no luck, I didn't find nether of them. Did any of you have any luck." They all turned around real fast, then they realized it was me and said "Sadly no we haven't had any luck in finding those two."

With that Bard put out his cigarette and said "Come on, therestaurants know use waiting. Maybe they are at the manor all ready." We all shook our head in agreence and starting walking in the direction of the manor.

His Butler, Drunk (Black Butler)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن