Interlude: Remember

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The nightmares had started again.

Jessie shot up in her bed that evening, gasping for breath, feeling her heart race. She put her head in her hands, trying to calm herself down. Rick's face was still in her view, and so was Grant's when she had come clean about what exactly she'd been through.

The Bifrost was glittering on its mural, and the lights in her room began to slowly turn on. She heard a concerned hum, and she looked up at the TARDIS ceiling in surprise. "Are you trying to help?"

The air temperature cooled a little, and she smiled. "Thanks," she whispered, slipping out of her bed and finding a robe. "Can you show me the way to the kitchen?"

The TARDIS hummed in reply. As Jessie opened the door, she saw lights leading in one direction, and she smiled wearily. "Thank you," she said, patting one of the walls as she walked towards the kitchen.


The Doctor was shaken from a twisted recount of the day when the TARDIS trilled worriedly in his head. "What is it?" he asked.

"She dreams."

His head shot up, nearly banging it on the console from where he was working. "What?"

"Nightmares. Ghosts of her past. It hurts her."

"Wake her up," the Doctor suggested.

"She is. She's scared. Of the nightmares, but also of the boy."

The Doctor growled low in his throat. He still didn't understand why Jessie had asked him to come with them. "Keep him away from her."

"His room is on the other side."

He patted her console in thanks, standing and heading for the kitchen. He began making tea, looking up when he heard other footsteps approaching. Jessie, looking completely worn out, rounded the corner. "Want some?" he asked, nodding to the kettle.

She nodded wearily, slumping at the table. "Please."

The Doctor turned the heat on, then sat down next to her. "Bad dream?"

"Yeah," she replied, rolling her head. "Just remembering a few things."

"What about?" he asked.

Jessie shrugged. "Not exactly the fun moments in my life." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm surprised I'm not having nightmares over the Dalek."

The Doctor swallowed. "Jess, about that . . . if I had known that was what it was, I would've left right away."

Jessie looked at him. "It's not a nice thing, is it?"

"Nope," the Doctor replied, popping the 'p' as the kettle whistled.

He stood up to go get it when Jessie asked, "Why did you two hate each other so much?"

The Doctor froze for a minute before stiffly filling a few cups with tea. "Jessie - "

"Oh, now I know something's up," she interrupted, looking more awake than she had been in the last few moments. "You never use my full name normally. Come on, why?" The Doctor still didn't answer as he brought their cups over, and as he went to take a drink, she asked softly, "Was it the Time War?"

The Doctor practically choked on his tea, and a look of understanding crossed her face. "So that's it. The Time War."

"The Time War," the Doctor agreed, coughing a little bit more before regaining his breath. "Between the Time Lords and the Daleks."

Jessie nodded her understanding. "Can you tell me where you're from now? Wasn't it something with a G?"

"Gallifrey," he whispered in reply.

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