Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
I decided to go...
On my way to the Grove I thought about the hole situation. I wasn't sure about what was expecting me. Was it the waiter or an other guy?

I stood in front of the Cheesecake Factory and waited...
Suddenly two hands grabbed me from behind and covered my eyes. I was surprised. The hands felt warm and soft and I felt a weird connection. My heart pounded fast. I turned around and a guy with blue eyes and blond hair looked at me very happy. He looked cute and handsome.
Stranger: Hi, I know you were coming...
y/n: H...i...

(Your POV) I couldn't said anything, because of his way he looked at me...

Stranger: You look so beautiful.
y/n: Thank you...
Stranger: Sorry for that little note in the coffee shop, but I had a very important meeting. I don't do such things often that I write a note and don't say anything. But I couldn't go without safety to see you again. Oh, I didn't introduced myself yet, I'm Logan...

(Your POV) I melted away. He was so freakin' cute, sexy and muscular. I didn't know that this is possible in one person.

y/n: wow, your very confident that you knew that I come (laught). My name is y/n. I wasn't sure if the waiter wrote me the message. But here I am!
Logan: Nice. So... do you wanna eat some delicious Cheesecake?
y/n: Yeah, I'd love to.

-Logan and you went in the restaurant, but there wasn't any free tables. We went out again...

Logan: I'm so so sorry...
y/n: No problem, come on let's walk a little bit.

-Logan and you walked over two hours. You talked about your life and why you are here. And also that you don't have a place to live. You walk trough a big secluded park with a little lake... You and Logan talked about so many funny and sad things. It felt like you knew each other for ages.

Logan: Soooo...maybe you wanna live with me in my appartment until you have a place to live...

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