Chapter 7

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y/n: Oh sh**, sorry. I didn't want to look...
Stranger: No problem, you can wait in the bedroom. I get out of the shower quickly and explain you everything.
-You turned around and closet the door behind you...
(Your POV) WTF? Who was this guy?! He looked so handsome and friendly.  But waaait... Why I'm only my underwear with a hoodie on in a strangers bed? And why he is in the shower? Please, I didn't want to be an one-night-stand again! I can't remember anything and I have so many questions...
-You sat on his bed and thought about so many things. Then the door of the bathroom opened and this guy stand in front of me with only his underpants on (...and yeah it was Calvin Klein...). You couldn't looked away from his abs.
y/n: One thing first...Did I slept with you?
Stranger: No...I would never do something like that. You passed out on the street and I brought you in my room. I changed your clothes, because I thought that it were more cozy in a hoodie instead of a wonderful dress. You slept one day and I didn't wanted to wake you up. Oh, and by the way, I'm Jake...

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