Chapter 6

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The sun was hot and bright in the sky, and the dirt beneath their feet dry and powdery. Heat hung heavy in the air around them. For once, perhaps, Harley was dressed appropriately.

They'd been dropped down in a hot zone, and had been fighting for a while now.

Harley had brought sun screen, claiming she burned 'like a marshmallow', and Bane had gotten one of Flag's old hat's from somewhere and was parading it around on his head.

They'd taken out a good few of the rebels when they'd first dropped in, but since then things had taken a turn for the worse.

They'd made a run at the head of operations, a white walled building with wide double doors on the front that were spray painted with anti government slogans. They'd been well on their way to taking it when reinforcements had ambushed them and they'd been forced to take cover behind a overturned junker of a flatbed truck that gave tetanus to anyone that looked at it.

Deadshot had been using his superior sharp shooting skills to take a few of the men out and keep them from advancing on the squad's position. He was fully suited up, eyepiece on and everything. So far so good, they were holed up in the building, but the going was slow and the rest of the squad were out of ammo. Truth was, they just weren't that good at this kind of fighting. Most of them were better at hand to hand. Bane had a few grenades, but he wasn't willing to throw them unless he was sure they'd do some damage.

"Well, we're in a pickle, ain't we?" Croc muttered, the hood of his hoodie pulled as far up over his head as it could be to block out all the harsh desert sun. He was trying the best he could to not aggravate his sensitive reptilian like skin with overexposure.

He was right, they were pinned. Their cover was the truck's bed, and behind them was the sheer concrete wall of another building. Except for George Harkness aka. "Captian Boomerang." When the reinforcement rebels had come, he had ended up taking cover behind some rubble twenty feet to the left of the rest of the squad. A short jog from him was the cover of another building.

"Boomerang! Do somethin' man, help us out!" Deadshot called.

"I can't!" he called back. "I can't even peek my head above this thing or it'll get blown off, and I can't throw my boomerang blind!"

"Then what do we do?" Harley asked, tapping her baseball bat into the dirt with frustration as a few more enemy bullets whizzed by overhead.

Bane surveyed the area. "Boomerang, you have to make a run for that building and circle around and flank them!"

Boomerang shook his head. "No way! I'd get cut down just tryin' to get to that building!"

"We'll make a diversion for you."

Boomerang shook his head. "Nope, can't do it, mate."

Bane's eyes narrowed. "We are here to stop the violence by bringing them down. The rest of us are completely pinned. This is the task I am giving you. Do it."

"But Bane, be reasonable!" Boomerang pleaded, his light eyes wide. "There's like forty guys in there, if I go in, I'll be shot full o' holes!"

"Once you get in there and distract em, we'll barge in the front door and help!" Harley told him.

Boomerang shook his head again. "Na uh. No can do people. It won't work. I'll get blown to pieces."

Bane did not look impressed. "You're a grown ass man. Now go in there and take that ass whooping."

Boomerang gawked at Bane for a moment before he realized that Bane was not going to let him out of this no matter what.

"Fuck." He said, looking at the building that would be his cover. "Fine, I'll do it."

"Go get em!" Harley cried.

Boomerang broke cover and began sprinting towards the side of the building as Bane lobbed a grenade into the no man's land between the truck and the rebel base. It exploded and Boomerang successfully made it to the adjacent building aka. safety. But instead of turning and coming around to flank the enemy, he kept running.

"That asshole!" Deadshot cried as he slid back down fromgiving Boomerang artillery cover. "I oughta shoot him in the ass right now!"

"Stay calm, team." Bane said. Obviously he was disappointed in Boomerang's behavior, but he did not panic. Nor did he reach for the high tech watch on his wrist and bring about Boomerang's swift death. He surveyed the area once more.

Hmmmm. Would his plan work? It was dangerous. Very risky. Then Bane imagined all the money he was going to get paid. Mr. Tickles and I will be able to eat meatloaf everyday! He thought.

Bane pulled his strip of grenades from his belt and placed them against the frame of the truck in a pile. "I'm going to pull all the pins and then we're going to make a run for it." He told them. "When I say go, you go."

"What?" Croc exclaimed.

"It's okay big guy, I think I see what he's doing." Deadshot said as he slung his rifle onto his back.

"Go!" Bane cried, and they all ran.

Bullets from the enemy's guns cracked through the air around them like fireworks on the 4th of July. Hitting dirt around their feet, embedding themselves into the concrete wall next to them, and showering them in dust. Bane counted to three.

Then the grenades went off, erupting into an orb of fire. The force of the explosion threw the flatbed into the air. It flipped over four times before the rebel base was nice enough to break its fall.

The whole facade was obliterated. Screams were heard as the building, now crippled, began caving in at the roof.

Bane looked at his team. Harley was nursing a nick from a bullet on her leg, Croc had a similar wound on his shoulder. It was hard to tell, but Bane might have been smiling.

"I love it when a plan comes together." He creaked.

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