I'm really sorry

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Okay guys excuse me for a second while I bitch (there's important stuff in the next paragraph) okay, I think I've mentioned to you guys that I've just moved countries AGAIN and it turns out life is catching up to me, I'm starting to feel very overwhelmed because of school (I'm not the smartest of people) and yeah just life, which is why...

I'm deciding to cancel the second round of judging. I'm really sorry about this you guys, but I hope you understand. This means that instead of the judging process done twice. I'm taking the raw scores. This of course won't affect some genres i.e. General fiction, paranormal, mystery/thriller and Action/adventure, because these books would of already went through the judging process twice.

Now the next thing INTERVIEWS ahhh I was very excited about this one, and was planing on carrying it out myself with the help of others, but as fate would have it, I will no longer be doing it. INSTEAD I've asked people on Wattpad who have interview books to do it.

Oh and I'll be announcing general Fiction results some time tomorrow or Saturday.

Finally guys I really am terribly sorry for this.

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