00: maybe you should get a life, you good for nothing piece of crap

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"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night".
- Steve Martin


00: maybe you should get a life, you good for nothing piece of crap

Elliot isn't a fan of adapting to new things. Heck, he isn't even a fan of making new friends (hence the fact that he only has one, but he doesn't need to elaborate on that). So why in the world did his own mother, who should know him better than anyone else in the damn world, think that it would be good for him to adapt to a new environment? Of course, the only answer she gave him when she told him this news was, "You don't have a life".

Sure, it's okay for someone to tell you you don't exactly have a life, but when it's coming from your own mother's mouth - who also doesn't exactly have a life - it feels like a punch to the face. Unfortunately, that wasn't her only excuse.

His mom was quickly packing her bag, slipping into her heals and trying her best to fix up her long black hair into a bun as she got ready for work. "It's summer, and you have zero friends-"

"I have one friend," Elliot quickly replied.

"Yes, one." She gave him a look. "Most kids your age have more than fifty. And that one friend of yours is all the way across the country for a video game tournament. He has a better life than you do."

He watched as she checked the time on her watch, getting the last of her things before heading to the front door. "Going to Avalon, California will help you get some growth in your personality. You might even make some friends. Plus you'll get to spend time with your grandfather. You at least know him."

"Barely," Elliot said with a sigh.

"That's final, and you're going if you like it or not."

He doesn't like it. He doesn't like how he's stuck in a plane for more than an hour and the lady and her two sons seated behind him keep causing a racket. Not only that, but one of the boys finds it amusing to just kick the back of his seat on repeat and he honestly thinks that if the kid's foot goes any further into the seat he might leave this plane with no virginity.

Not only does his back and butt hurt but his phone buzzes against his thigh for the fifth time this morning and he answers it with a sigh, trying not to wince as the kid behind him goes for another kick.

"Hey, chump."

Elliot's eyes slightly narrow at the deep voice on the other side of the phone. He replies back with a deep sigh, "Hey, Mucus."

"Hey, is that any way to reply to your only friend on the face of this earth?"

"I don't know, Luke. My ass is hurting and I've been on a plane for more than an hour just to go to some damn island that was my ungrateful dad's childhood home. Does it look like I want to reply to you right now?"

Luke snorted. "Saucy this morning, huh?"

"Oh, I'm just peachy."

"Y'know, your mom is kind of right. This will be some good experience for you."

"I don't know about that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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