The Touch Of Fear

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Our whole house shook as the bombs landed. The smell of smoke filled my nose as the houses close to us set on fire. I was probably the final child they were looking for. I should probably explain. About two months ago, World War 3 started. I'm no sure who's attacking who, but all of the under 21's have been forced to move into schools that have been re-designed as bomb shelters. I'd not been called for until today. I had packed my things and was waiting by the door. A small, black car pulled up outside.

#knock# #knock#

"Go on." My mother cried into my hair.

"I love you!" I told her as I was pulled out of the door and into the car. My bags were thrown into the boot and we sped away from the flaming village.

"What's your name, kid?" The driver asked me.

"L.. Luna." I said sheepishly.

"Cute name! I'm Paul. Just find me if you ever need protection." He grinned.

"Thank you, Paul." I smiled. The rest of the car ride was silent apart from the screams of people outside.

"We're here." He told me, running to open my door. He helped me out of the car before walking me into the school.

"Paul-y!" An energetic boy ran at us, jumping on Paul. His legs were wrapped around Paul's waist sideways. His long lanky arms were around Paul's neck and he pushed his cheek against the man's.

"Louis." Paul warned, throwing Louis off him.

"Who's this?" Louis pointed at me.

"Luna, do me a favour and show her how to sign in. I swear to god, if you mess her about-"

"Chill out, bro. I got her." Another boy appeared. He had a strong accent, but I couldn't tell you where he was from.

"Ah.. Zayn.. Thank you." Paul sighed.

"It's Zen." The new boy growled. Paul smirked and walked away, leaving me with boys I didn't know. Louis kept his distance, glaring at me. What was this boy's problem? Zayn's arm wrapped around my waist as he took my bags in the other. He led me over to a line about twenty people long and told me to wait.

"I'll be back in half an hour." He grinned an ran off with Louis. Great. A huge boy with a tattoo covered body was stood in front of me, glaring. His eyebrow had a metal bar through it, and his lip had two metal hoops. His ear had a ring, and his nose was laced with studs.

"Hey, Haz. You know this girl?" He punched the boy in front of him's back, making him turn around. They looked extremely alike, except Harry didn't have as many tattoos and no piercings.

"Nah, mate... Marcel?" He tugged at the boy in front of him's shoulder, pulling him to face me.

"No." This one was geeky, he adjusted his glasses nervously.

"I'm Edward." The first one said.

"Harry." He hugged me.

"Marcel." This one bowed. Errm.. Ok?

"I'm Luna." I smiled.

"Nice to meet you." Harry grinned. Edward snorted at his comment. Harry looked angry but took my arm.

"Nice to meet you, too." I said shyly. Edward's strong arms wrapped around my shoulders, pushing Harry away. Harry almost protested, but Edwards death-glare stopped him. His grip on me tightened. Marcel stared at me. Oh my god. His eyes were brown, yet the others' eyes were green. Weird. I smiled at him, making him blush.

"C'mere." Edward growled, gripping my chin. His lips crashed into mine, the metal on his lips tickling my skin. His tongue slipped delicately into my mouth, his hands traveling to my waist. He was surprisingly soft and gentle, even with his look and attitude. I heard Harry laugh nervously, before Edward jerked away from me. What? I fluttered my eyes open to see Harry punching Edward like a boxer punching a punching bag.

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