Chapter 6

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Luna's POV.

I sat with my legs draped around Niall's hips. My hands were rested on his warm stomach and his heavy breathing was making me relax. Louis had gone to get him and Gemma some food, leaving her awkwardly sat next to us. She kept glancing at me and Niall, obviously checking him out.

"Just ignore her." Niall whispered to me. I nodded.

"You're so fit." I breathed, resting my head on his muscular shoulder. He shivered beneath me and scraped my hair back over one of my shoulders.

"You're so cute." He muttered. I grinned and pushed my lips against his neck, hugging him in the process.

"Are you cold?" I asked him. He was starting to get goosebumps. He nodded and pulled me closer to him. Although I was muffled by his neck, I laughed. He ducked his head and started to whisper to me.

"Can we go to my friend's room?" He asked me. I nodded and he pushed the chair back. He stood up, cupping my butt in his hands as he tried to keep me pushed next to him.

"Niall!" I gasped as he gave my left butt cheek an obvious squeeze.

"Sorry, sorry." He laughed, walking out of the room and down the hall. His neck smelled of lynx and his hair was dappled with food.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked him.

"Calum's." He said simply.

"Ok." I smiled. After a few minutes, we arrived at Calum's door. Niall didn't bother to knock, or even put me down, he just walked in and dropped onto the bed. I pulled my head away from Niall's chest and looked around. The room had an orangey yellow glow and it smelled of ink.

"Hey, Calum. Zayn?" Niall gasped. I looked over my shoulder. Zayn was sat getting a tattoo done by a boy with black hair.

"Hey, Ni. I'm just getting finished." He told us grinning. His arm was dripping with black blood and he had a huge ZAP! Surrounded by a paint splat covering his right arm. I could see him staring at me and Niall. I was still gripping his waist with my legs and my arms were around his neck. I tried to move and get off him, but Niall's large hands stayed firmly on my lower waist, trapping me. I blushed and kissed his neck sloppily. Niall shifted beneath me and glared at Calum.

"Can you please hurry up? I want to do something." Niall spat at Calum and Zayn.

"Dude, calm down. I'm done here, I'll go get Louis and do his tattoo in his room. Just one thing, keep my bed clean?" Calum groaned, guiding Zayn out of the room.

"This is my room, too." Niall told me after they left. I looked into his eyes. They were blue and sparkled.

"Niall?" I asked raspily. Niall bit his bottom lip and came closer to me.

"Can I?" He asked, slipping his tongue over his plump lip. I nodded wildly and kissed him. Niall's little tongue slipped over my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I would've granted if the door didn't swing open, breaking us apart. I shot a glare at the giant that just walked in. He was well over 6 foot, bending down to get through the door.

"Niall, my Xbox is broken, I'm using yours." He declared, jumping on Calum's bed.

"Dude, I hate you." Niall growled, letting me slip off his lap and next to him instead. His hand slipped into mine and I grinned. Luke looked between me and Niall.

"How old are you, Luna?" He asked.

"Thirteen." I said, turning to Niall. "Wait, how old are you?"

"Sixteen." He shrugged. "It's only three years."

"And I'm fourteen, thank's for asking." Luke rolled his eyes.

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