Chapter 5: The last date

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Liza's POV 

I'm gonna to Target and I invited David because it was gonna be boring without him. I'm wearing a navy blue and white striped long sleeve t-shirt, white jeans, and white Converse. I'm gonna wear my hair down today. David is picking me up. Once we get to Target, David starts telling me something.

"Hey Liza, guess what?"


"Today is the day."

"What d-"

Before I can finish my sentence he grabs my hand. I get it now.


David laughs. Today is the end of the "4 dates method". We can finally hold hands. We are going through all the aisles when a lady starts talking to us.

"You guys make such a cute couple."

Me and David had never discussed it but I didn't think of us as a couple.

"Oh no we're not a c-"

David cuts me off.

"Yeah I guess we do."

He kisses my hand. The lady just smiles. I'm still in shock. I had to say something.

"What was that for?"

"For no reason." 

He gives me a contagious smile. We check out and head back to his car. When we get in we just stare at each other for a little. We grabs hands again. He rubs his thumb on my cheek. This couldn't get more cute.

"Liza I wanted to do this in the store but I figured it wouldn't be right."

I raised my eyebrow. I was very confused. Before I knew it I was kissing him. It was a long kiss but not a make out. As soon as our lips were apart, we turned around quickly. Our hands were still held together. We were smiling and breathing hard.

"You know David, that wasn't so bad."

He laughed and drove off. We were still holding hands. We chatted during the car ride. It's official. Me and David are boyfriend and girlfriend. We get to my place and we say our goodbyes.

"Bye love you"

"Love you too Liza"

He then drove off. I walked into my apartment. That was the greatest moment of my life. I have to call Gabbie and tell her all about it. David has changed my life. ❤️

David's POV 

Me and Liza were going to Target together. I remember that today is the last date. So today I get to hold her hand. We are walking down one aisle when a lady stops us and says that we are a cute couple.

"Oh no we're not a c-"

"Yeah I guess we do"

I end up kissing her hand. The lady just smiles. Liza is shocked but is ok with it. Once we checked out I decide to make my move in the car.

"Liza I wanted to do this in the store but I figured it wouldn't be right"

Liza looks confused but then I pull her in for a kiss. JESUS CHRIST I JUST KISSED LIZA. It was a nice kiss. We were both kinda shocked after but we were both satisfied. I dropped her off at her place. It was official. She was my girlfriend. I smiled the whole way home. Liza has changed my life. ❤️


Thanks for reading this cringeworthy and cliche story. I'm gonna make another one soon. I'm gonna put pictures in it too. Ok, bye for now!

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