The Runaway

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My whole entire body ached. My throat longed for the only thing that could satisfy it... Blood. But I couldn't stop running now. I couldn't give up. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of winning.

I pushed myself forward. It's a surprise that they haven't caught me yet. I am not as fast as them. With every step I get a mili-second slower than before. I feel weak, weaker than I have ever been in my whole entire life.

The cliff gets closer. I will have to jump it. I prepare myself for the jump. 3.... I bend my knees, 2..... I swing my arms back, 1.... I push myself up and into the air. I am flying. But I don't think about that. I think about how I will survive. All my thoughts revolve around survival.

I bend my knees and wait for my feet to touch the ground. Smack! They hit the ground and I'm off like a bullet. I can hear them behind me. Their feet hitting the ground I was on about a few seconds ago. I push myself to go faster than I have ever run before, the trees going by me in a blur.

They are gaining on me. I know that my legs will give out on me soon. I dare to peek over my shoulder to see how far they are from me. Bad idea, I tripped over a log. I flipped through the air and hit a tree. My impact only put a dent in the tree but I have gases all over me. I lay still on the ground hoping that they won't see me and they will just keep going because that's all I have left, HOPE.

I have no family that would care if I die. They are all already dead. Everyone that I cared about and everyone that ever cared about me were killed by them. I am the only one left. No one will know or care that I die.

The footsteps stop about 3 feet away from me. I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for death to take over me.... nothing..... Maybe that's what death feels like, nothing. I hope there is no pain. I hope I can see my family again.

I slowly open my left eye then my right. I'm still in the forest but this time I'm alone. I sit up. OUCH! My whole body hurts. I'm not dead am I? I had cuts and bruises all over my body from hitting the tree. My cuts will leave only scars. Great.....

I gently lay back down onto my side and rest my head up against the trunk of the tree. Why am I still alive? They had the chance to kill me and yet they didn't. Are they playing games with me? Do they want me to suffer? What did I ever do to them? Nothing... so why do they want me dead? I will never know. I sighed. I was exhausted. I know I will never find the answers to my questions so I will just have to stop asking them. I will need to focus on the more important things first. My eyes soon fluttered closed and I fell into a dream-less sleep.

~9 hours later~

The birds are chirping and a strong smell of blood hangs in the air. For a second I am filled with the happiness that i am alive but then the smell reminds me of my thirst and of my where abouts. i'm alone in the forest with no where to go and no one to go to.

My throat burns so I stand up. I am still sore but not as sore as yesterday. My cuts have already healed into scars, as I had suspected. The bruises are already a lighter color then they were yesterday.

I take off running toward were the smell of the blood is coming from. I break through the last few trees and enter a small clearing. In the middle of the clearing is a figure covered in blood. The blood smelled so good. I run up to the figure and bend over it placing my mouth on her neck.

Before I can bite down onto her neck I screech and jump back in horror. I almost drank human blood! Before I could do anything elts to the poor human I turn around and run in the other direction. I had almost killed a human and the worst part was..... I wanted to.

I stopped about 3 miles from the clearing that the woman was in sensing an animal close by. I close my eyes and used my hunting instincts to find the animal. I have to go ½ a mile east; it's an elk drinking from the river. I run in that direction and crouch down behind a bush. I peer through the leaves and I can see 4 elk. 3 adult elk and 1 baby elk. The biggest elk moves farther down the stream and I take that chance to attack it.

I spring forward and tackle the elk to the ground. It restless with me but I win. In seconds it's dry but my thirst isn't satisfied just yet. The other elk have already disappeared so I use my hunting instincts again and this time I find a deer just a mile south of here. I run toward the deer and do the same thing I did to the elks. Hide, attack, and drink. This time I am full. My throat no longer burns and I feel much stronger.

I sit down on the nearest log and think about everything that has happened to me this past month. First, friends of the family come to protect me from the voltori, after about a month the voltori attack us and kill everyone in front of me but me. I run away from them and hurt myself doing it. I almost drink human blood and now I am all alone on this earth.

All of that shouldn't happen to a 2 year old that looks like a five year old. My life is messed up. Once again, the smell of human blood fills my nose, but this time I don't want to drink the human's blood. I want to help the human. This woman could be in trouble so I just can't leave her there alone. She could die!

I jump up to my feet and, once again, ran towards the smell of the blood. When I entered the clearing I ran right up to the woman. She looked to be about 20. I knelt down next to her. Her clothes were ripped and blood stained. The cuts were not just cuts but they were bite marks. I knew then and there that this woman was bitten by a vampire. The venom was in her system and she is in the middle of the painful transformation that all vampires have to go through.

Her heart was still beating. It was already dark out and I was tired. I decided to wait for her transformation to be over. Maybe I won't be alone in this world any more. She could be like an aunt to me. I yawned and lay down next to her. I curled up into her body desperate for her body warmth. The little warmth that she had left wasn't enough. I sighed and fell asleep.

~The next morning~

The sun was high in the air. It took me a second to realize that everything that has happened was real and not just a night mere. I sit up and look at the woman. I don't want her to be hurting so maybe I could comfort her. I could use my gift but it might not work. I gently grab her cold hand in my warm one and send her comforting thoughts.

Don't be afraid. My name is Renesmee and I am here to help you. I am talking to you through my gift. With the touch of my hand you can hear and see my thoughts and memories. You are going through some changes. When you wake up things may seem different to you. Your eye sight will be much better then before, you will be faster, and stronger. You will have advanced hearing and smell. You are becoming a vampire. Don't worry, I am one to. You could look forward to being immortal, and indestructible....

I told her other stuff and I tried to make her transformation better than it was supposed to be. I showed her happy memories. I am planning on telling her everything when she wakes up. For the rest of the day I don't pull my hand away. I hope she can hear me because if she can't then I will feel stupid.

When the night comes I curl up and fall asleep next to her. I keep my hand in hers so she could see my dreams. I started off having dreams then they all became nightmares. They would all end the same way. I watch my family die right before my eyes then I would be getting chased by them and at the end they kill me. The nightmare is more like a memory. Everything is the same but at the end I end up dead.

in my dream, They don't hesitate when I fall and they kill me. Finally, I wake up covered in sweat. My heart felt like it would explode at any minute. I couldn't sleep the rest of the night. When the sun rose, the woman's heart started to beat faster. Every second it beat faster and faster. I thought it would break her bones and skin and I would see it shoot up from her chest. It didn't... it just..... Stopped. Everything was quiet except for my heart beat and breathing. The woman's eyes fluttered open. They were...

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