chapter 2

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Previously: Finally, I woke up covered in sweat. My heart felt like it would explode at any minute. I couldn't sleep the rest of the night. When the sun rose, the woman's heart started to beat faster. Every second it beat faster and faster. I thought it would break her bones and skin and I would see it shoot up from her chest. It didn't... it just..... Stopped. Everything was quiet except for my heart beat and breathing. The woman's eyes fluttered open. They were...

.....blood red but they didn't scare me. She turned and looked at me.

"Renesmee..." she whispered. Now I know she heard my thoughts and my gift worked. I was now exited. We could be like family. I nodded.

"What is your name?" I asked her. She looked at me and for a split second she looked confused.

"Angela Weber, I think I knew you parents before..." she trailed off. This woman knew my parents? How? Were they related? Her hand shot to her throat. She was thirsty. My questions will have to wait for another time. She needs to feed first.

"Don't worry, that's normal. When vampires are thirsty their throat always burns. You need to drink blood to make it stop." She looked at me clearly confused. She probably is wondering how to hunt and get blood.

"Just use your instincts and you will be fine. Now, close your eyes listen. Do you here the beating pulse of that mountain lion?" she nodded and took off in the direction of the noise. I followed close behind her to give her some distance. I watched her as she pounced on the lion and drank its blood. When she was done I ran up to her and gave her a hug.

"Good job! You did it! Do you want more?" she nodded and closed her eyes. After a few seconds she was off like a bullet. Again I followed her. This time she found a pack of deer. She had 3 of the 5 of them before she was finally done. Her eyes were still bright red. We sat down on a log and I began to tell her about me.

"You said you knew my parents?" she nodded.

"Yes. I actually knew your whole family. Your mom was my best friend in high school before they disappeared. Why are you alone? Where are they?" how am I supposed to tell her there dead? Should I just say it? she was waiting for an answer. I looked down so she wouldn't see my crying.

"There dead....." I said making the words reality. As I had expected a tear ran down my cheek. I was crying. Saying the words out loud made me realize that everything that had happened was real. I had been brave and I hadn't cried before but know....

"The..... they were k.... killed trying to p..... protect m.... me...." more tears fell and I put my head in my hands.

"The..... they ki..... kill.... killed them...." It is hard to make complete sentences between my sobs. She pulled me into her lap and I cried into her chest.

"Don't worry, I'm here for you no matter what and I will protect you just like they did..." she paused for a second probably deciding if it was ok to keep going.

"........ Who did this?" I couldn't talk any more. All that came out was sobs. I pressed my hand up to her chest and thought my words to her.

The voltori! I thought to her. It sent more tears to my eyes. When she was silent I realized that she wouldn't know who they were.

Vampire royalty, they thought my family went against their rules. They thought I was an immortal child. I decided to show her the whole thing from my point of view.

~Memory~ (What Renesmee is showing Angela.)

We were standing in a big clearing in the middle of the woods. I could see the voltori approaching us. There were more of them than I thought were coming. It kind of scared me but I stayed strong. I knew my family would protect me and that we would all live. The wolves joined us and the voltori stopped moving. My mother tensed. I knew that my family was talking but I couldn't hear them. If I strained my ears then maybe I could hear them but I didn't even try. I kept my attention on the voltori. Some of them were staring at me and my mom but it didn't bother me very much. The ones in the middle seemed to be the leaders and they looked like they were somehow communicating. I watched them closely. My Grandpa walked away from us and I couldn't help but wish he was back in line with us. He held up his palms.

"Aro, my old friend. It's been centuries." He said. No one said another word. The tension hung in the air. The man my grandpa was talking to stepped out of the center. A woman followed close behind him. The voltori guard leaned forward into a crouch. They growled. The man named Aro held his hand up to them.

"Peace." He said. His voice sounded fragile.

"Fair words Carlisle, they seem out of place, considering the army you've assembled to kill me, and my dear ones." Aro said. Grandpa shook his head and stuck his right hand out.

"You have but to touch my hand to know that was never my intent." Aro's eyes narrowed.

"But how can your intent possibly mater, dear Carlisle, in the face of what you have done?" Aro said. Sadness crossed Grandpas features.

"I have not committed the crime you are here to punish me for." Grandpa said.

"Then step aside and let us punish those responsible. Truly, Carlisle, nothing would please me more than to preserve your life today." Aro said.

"No one has broken the law, Aro. Let me explain." None of the guards waited for their orders to kill. They all ran at once toward my family and me. Aro didn't even try to stop them. My mother placed me on Jacobs back and gave me a hug and a kiss. My father did the same thing before Jacob ran off with me on his back. We had just entered the woods when we heard screams and a howl. I knew Jacob needed to help his pack so I jumped off his back and told him I loved him before he went to help. I kneeled down behind a bush and watched the seen unfold in front of my eyes. My whole family being ripped apart one by one in front of my eyes. My new friends all are being killed within seconds. I almost shrieked when they killed my Jacob but I kept quiet. I knew if I did I would give away my hiding spot and they would get me too. They were done after about 2 minutes. My family didn't even have a chance. They were all dead now. A tear ran down my cheek. It fell off of my chin and landed onto the ground in front of me. The noise it made when it hit the ground attracted the voltori's attention. They ran straight at me. I stood up and ran away from them...

~memory end~ (the rest of the memory starts off at the beginning of this story.)


Does anyone like this story?

Should i keep writing or just stop. i dont wanna write if no ones reading.

I already wrote the next chapter! :)

Vote and comment please :)

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