Chapter 15

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Erin:Thank you for telling me let's see Rissa now *walks back to the others*

Jason:I'm glad that she is ok now I've been worried about her *worried*

Rhett:Jason why did you call Rissa Baby girl for your just her friend

Jason:No I'm not her Friend Rhett *takes deep breath* I'm her Biological dad and she never knew it and Erin

Erin:What's wrong Jason *hugs him*

Jason:What were you and Alex talking about *looks at her* tell me now Erin

Rhett:Jason you can't be Rissa's Biological dad that's impossible

Jason:I am Rhett and Erin tell me I need to know what's going on with my Daughter *angry* tell me now

Erin:Jason you need to calm down ok you can go see Rissa now and there is nothing to tell you I promise Jason

*Jason and Austin come and Jason sees Jason*

JDF:Jason what are you doing here *angry* why is he here Erin

Erin:He wants to see his Daughter Jason and he brought her here

Jason:I wanted to see my Daughter Jason look after she gets out I want her to live with me *angry* she is my Daughter

JDF:You left her before she was born you never bothered to see her until now you never cared never visit call write you made her feel unloved and unwanted stay away from my Daughter

Jason:How dare you say that I do care about her I was there for her when she was little I watched her grow up I did visit call and write *beats him up*

JDF:No you didn't I saw that she stilled loved you when you didn't love her *beats him up*

Police:Hey no fights in the hospital this is just a warning next time you will be kicked out got it *leaves*

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