Keith x shiro (slightly edited!)

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It was not really a big day for the team. They had nothing to do, and nowhere to go. Keith and  Shiro have been dating for a year now. The team thought it was kinda wrong that the "dad" of the team was dating Keith, but they still supported them. Shiro thought it would be nice to train with Keith.
"Keith, you ready?" shiro questioned as he walked into Keith's room. Keith had just finished changing into his training uniform. It wasn't really much other than a tight, black body suit. Shiro, being the strongest in the team, picked up his boy friends bridal style and went off to the training. They trained for a couple minutes until Keith fell right onto shiros crotch causing Shiro to get a a little hard due to the un-expected fall. Keith then realized what the fuck just happened and quickly sprung up. Shiro tried to quickly scoot away, his hand trying to hid the big bulge in his pants. Keith than began to giggle, Shiro was now a dark shade of red. Keith then got up to move more closer to shiro. Shiro was kinda surprised. A couple seconds past of them just staring at each other a couple inches away. Keith leaned in for a short, sweet kiss, but shiro had other plans. Shiro leaned in a bit more, and began to kiss a bit more rougher to try to get a bit more a action. Keith was a bit suprised at first but then began to follow Shiro's lead. Shiro then bit down on Keith's lips, causing him to moan a bit. Shiro quickly slipped in his tongue. Exploring every inch of Keith's wet cavern. Shiro began to pull down Keith's training uniform, revealing Keith's well shaped form. Keith shivered at the sudden exposure of his bare skin in the cold area. Shiro began to go to kiss down Keith's neck, leave bit marks as he tried to find his sweet spot. Keith all of a sudden let out an unexpected moan, Keith, growing impatient, knocker shiro onto the ground, Keith sitting on Shiro's lap while Shiros back met the ground. Keith was tired of waiting. Keith began to pull down Shiro's body suit, revealing his navy blue boxers. Shiro blushed as he saw Keith's head. go down to his length. Keith pulled down Shiro's boxers and began to hesitantly lick the tip and occasionally take it into his mouth. Shiro groaned in pleasure, though it's wasn't enough. He then suddenly thrusted up, causing Keith to deep throat Shiro's quite large length. This gave a sign for Keith to take his boyfriends length in his mouth, and to stop teasing.m. Knock knock. Keith and shiro both looked at each other
"Shiro, Keith you in there? Hurry up we're about to engage into combat!" Both Keith and Shiro quickly changed into there armor and went out. Keith and Shiro have been thinking about each other the whole

sorry I haven't been posting, I've been quite busy with my life and I don't have much time to write these.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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