Chapter 1

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/her queen\


I clentched my fists as i looked at her door, fighting back the pain i felt whenever i saw it.
"Stop looking at her door like that? Those sad eyes wont do anything. Shes not coming back you idiot, your way worse than ayato." Shus voiced echoed from behind me with a groan.
"You have no idea the pain hes going through. You weren't ever as close as he was to her. He sang her a lullaby ever night. At least hes doing something. He keeps her room clean everyday and and keeps everything around it clean as well. Hes better than you you lazy, deadbeat, scum." Reiji scoffed behind us. I rolled my eyes before i rushed forward, throwing open the door to her room. I heard my brothers complaints but i ignored them as i rushed in. I searched for the familiar picture before graspong it and holding it close.
"Happy birthday... i miss you Rize." I whispered. The photo was of my precious little sister. Its been six years... why does it still hurt? Why cant you come back? I miss you, my amazing baby sister.

I hid my alreadt red face in my hands as sobs shook from my shaking body. I did this every morning but it never helped the pain i got from loosing my brothers and my home.
"Oi! Get dressed girl, before i lock you up qithout food again." 'He' yelled from behind my door. I tensed up ans covered my head with my arms. I hate him. He claimed to be my lost grandfather, on my mothers side. Sadly for me, he was human, he hated vampires.
I quickly stood when i heard him yell once more and reached to put on my dark blue school uniform. I pulled my black hair through a straightener before pulling it into a pony tail. I trimmed my loose bangs with a pair of scissors i snuck into my room. I quickly left a glass of water and a plate of food in my closet before stretching. I met my own eyes as i looked in my old mirror, the blue eyes that met mine looked empty, full of a fake happiness. An expression so  practiced and perfected that very few people could see past. I quickly left my room when another yell echoed from the room. I ran from my room, footsteps echoing down the halls as I ran for the kitchen.
"Oi, listen go me brat. You may be my daughters child but you are also an vampire, your evil. U only keep you here because my wife wanted to be queen and my daughter married your father in an attept to become it before he killed her. You will become the next queen and i want to keep you. You will be queen, not only of the vampired but the black market." He purred cupping my cheek. I flinched at his touch, letting out a quiet whimper as he dug his nails into my cheeks slightly.
"Get going you freak. I dont wanna deal with you being late for school again." He hissed. I nodded slowly and ran from the room and grabbed my backpack, running to my bus stop

Words: 543

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