Hang out?

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Hey guys! So Wattpad shut down just when I was going to publish this, I was so pissed. Oh well, but now we've got it back, right? 

"Hello, I have a room booked under the name Amelia Roman." I said to the man behind the counter. While he typed some stuff in the computer I turned to Aria.

"Hey, when is 1D coming to the hotel?" I asked.

"Dude I don't know, It's like a total secret,  even at what hotel they're coming is unknown because they are staying for so long." She answered, shrugging.

"Aria, then how do you know they're coming to this one?" I said, freaked out a bit.

She smiled and answered with an obvious grin on her face.

"I got my contacts, the thing is I got us the place where they will be for 4 weeks"

"Uh okay? Although I wish we could stay here the 4 weeks, stupid school that starts a week earlier. Oh well, at least we will have 3 resting weeks. But hey, don't get your hopes up, who knows if we will even get to see them here?" That was the negative, party crasher me talking. 

"Okay maa'm sign here and your suitcases will be taken up stairs." Said the man, probably the manager, giving me a pen and a paper.

He looked at me, or more like behind me, and started to call out for the staff, organizing things. It was obvious there was something important going on, but I didn't mind turning around, I simply continued signing and reading when my pen slipped off my hand.

"OUCH you have quite a strong head!" A male voice said, as we bumped our heads together to pick up the pen.

He had a purple Jack Wills hoodie, he was also wearing sunglasses and simple jeans.

I had seen that curly hair before in pictures. It was no other than... Harry Styles.

"Ouch yeah sorry about that! God. Uhhh yeah so sorry, really, I didn't mean to." I said, stuttering a bit, trying to control myself, while Aria just stood back there looking completely blank.

"It's okay babe, I was just kidding! Here's your pen by the way." He said with a grinn on his face.

I smiled, gratefully.

"Thanks, nice meeting you." I said as I took the pen, then signed one more time and started leaving, when I turned back to see all the 5 guys smiling at me. Zayn waved and Harry gave me a flirtatious wink. I didn't mind though, I was too concentrated in those brown eyes the guy beside him had.


He was looking seeply into me, a small smirk plastered on his face.

Why did I have to get so lost in his eyes?

We entered the elevator. Aria and I gave eachother one look and we lost it. I started smiling like a total dork and laughing and moving around the small space. My lord we had seen 1D. 

"Absolutely remarcable, hope they don't think we're stalkers when we go to the concert and the cd signing, god we are going to freak them out!" I said starting to worry.

It was true though, but maybe they where used to it.

Aria rolled her eyes and giggled.

"Amy, we met One direction. Have fun for once girl." She said, patting my shoulder.

I laughed and nodded.

We got off the elevator in the 4th floor and entered our suite. It was big, had two bedrooms with a king size bed each, 2 bathrooms and a small place with a microwave and a couch with another TV.  We left our stuff and went downstairs for some lunch before the CD signing.

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