The actual start.

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Had it been a dream?

It probably was.

Something that amazing could have never happen to me.

It was 12:00 o'clock, I had slept in, so had Aria. We would have to go to starbucks for breakfast.

I stood up from my bed to wake her up.

She wasn't in her room. Where was she? 

I went to the couch, and there she was cuddled up with Liam.

My lord, it hadn't been a dream after all?

I went to check my cellphone.

There where all the messages I had supposedly dreamed of.

Plus a new one.

"We have to do it again. I miss you already Amelia. x"


It was bursting on my ears.

He had called me Amelia.

I blushed heavily, and giggled.

I then went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I put music on my Ipod to listen to while I washed my hair. One Thing came on. For the first time I felt like I could actually identify to the song.

Funny thing, that the guy I was actually thinking of was singing the song.

When I came out I heard laughs. I smiled. They sounded so happy. 

I felt good for Aria, since her boyfriend had cheated on her a month ago, and for Liam, since he had split up from Danielle 5 weeks ago. Although they never said why.

I got dressed up with a black skirt, a yellow tanktop with a smiley face on and some orange sandals. I then went to check up on the two lovebirds.

"Well hello pumpkins, seems like you had fun last night?" I said, in a badly imitated british accent.

Aria smiled and Liam blushed.

"Well you look odly happy." Aria said with a big smile on her tanned skin.

"Oh please do tell how you totally captured my friend Zayn's heart." Liam said, playfully.

"It was amazing. I'll tell you the details later Aria." I said, sending her a playfull wink. I could feel myself blush slightly after hearing Liam's sentence.

Liam fakely pounted, then kissed Aria on the cheek, waved to me and left.

I took my phone to reply to Zayn, completely ignoring my best friend's hopefull look to hear the details in front of me.

"We definitely must. Thank you for such an amazing time Zayn. You too xx." I typed in and sent. I didn't feel nerves when talking to him, or in this case, texting. It all felt so natural. 

"Well look at you, being all lovey-dovey?" Said a voice in front of me.

It was strange Aria's reaction to my date. And how she had spent the night sleeping on Liam's shoulder when they recently met. It wasn't something Aria would do. She moved fast, but not this fast, specially after her last boyfriend's incident.

"Oh haha. Now get showered because I'm hungry as hell and want to go to starbucks." I said, looking up from my cellphone, and nodding to her bathroom door.


"And that was it. I then went in and you guys were tied together with glue." I said, finishing up my quite accurate and specific narration of the events of last night.

He's My Daydream (Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now