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I ran to Rose, she was sobbing so hard, Phoenix also came with me.

"Oh my god Rose, what happened?!" I asked scared, she was full on crying hard. She tried to get out a few words, but she was breathing hard and couldn't make out a sentence.

She was also freezing, shivering actually. So Phoenix gave her his leather jacket while I opened the door.

We got her inside by the fireplace, I went to make her some hot chocolate while Phoenix tried to calm her down.

No wonder why she was at the front door. My mom said something about an extra shift that'll start at 12 a.m and end by 7 in the morning. She took the main key, and I took the extra key.

I lost track of time, and forgot that she's staying with me.

I Shouldn't have taken the extra key, what a dumbass.

I finished the hot cocoa and went to them. Her shiverings have eased down and she's quieter now. But her eyes were lifeless and her face was blank and emotionless.

What the hell happened?

I sat beside her, gave her the drink and asked softly, "Rose, what happened?".

She didn't answer, instead, tears fell down from her eyes. She was silently crying now. "Rose please, we're worried" Phoenix said.

"H-he tried to r-rape me, Vi. He tried to-" She struggled, still holding her drink, staring into nothing and silently letting the tears fall.

"What? Rose you need to tell us what happened!" Phoenix said, and I stood there shocked.

That bastard I swear to god I'll kill him.

"W-we ate, then he took me to the b-beach. No one was there and he kept touching me, I-I told him off but he didn't want to. So when I pushed him a-away he got mad and slapped me.." She said, pushing away some strands of her hair that were on her face..

Revealing a big red mark on her cheek.

"T-then he grabbed me by the arm and forced me to make out with him, I g-got scared and kneed him. He fell d-down and I started to run away.. I ran all the way from there to here" She continued and held her heart, like talking about this incident hurt her on the inside too.

"Who is this guy, Rose?!" Phoenix said, getting up, ready to kill someone. "Brandon, that one guy that I told you about" I told him.

"I'll find that son of a bitch, Rose don't worry, he wouldn't dare to come close to you" Phoenix said while holding Rose from her shoulders.

He got up and headed to the door, I went to him and said "Don't go alone, Phoenix"

"I'm calling the boys, I swear this dude-" He's so mad, anger was shown all across his face. And he was clenching his fists.

"Lock the doors and don't open up for anyone" He told me, then left.

Please be careful.

I locked the doors, and went back to Rose.

"Rose, I'm so sorry that happened.." I told her then held her hands, She looks so broken.

How can someone be this disgusting? How can he do this to a person?

I wish I never let her go on that date, I never liked him.. I wish I told her that.

She drank her hot cocoa and closed her eyes, "I should put something on your cheek, so the pain would go faster and it won't leave a noticeable mark by tomorrow" I told her, and she nodded.

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