Chapter 17

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“OW” yelled Wesley, instantly waking me back up. I shot up off of his lap, earning myself an elbow to the back of my head.

“OW!” I exclaimed in pain, putting my hand to the forming bump on the spot that got hit.

I glared at Wes, “Why did you try murdering me?”

“You started it when your fat head fell on me! I might not be able to reproduce now!” Wes argued back, his face still scrunched in pain.

My face turned bright red for the thousandth time today. But me being the stubborn person that I am, decided to argue back at him.

“Well you might have caused me to have brain damage with the elbow to my head. Brains matter more than dicks. Although for guys they are pretty much the same thing, seeing as guys always think with their dicks.”

Wes dropped his mouth open in shock that I was blaming him for all of this. I admit, it is a little far stretched but I wasn't going to take the blame for it.

“Well someone's getting a little defensive now.” Wesley smirked before continuing, “Babe, if you wanted to suck my dick you could have just asked, no need to attack me with your head.”

Now it was my turn to be in shock. How dare he accuse me of that? As if. And anyway, aren't British boys supposed to be all polite and stuff? This is not what I expected from such a posh sounding boy.

“Ha-Ha. Wishful thinking you have there. Anyway, you have Heather for that”

Wesley's face filled with some unknown emotion. I then realized that this could be somewhat mean to Heather. I basically called her a whore. Which is not what I meant to do.

“Look” he started, “What you saw between Heather and I the other day was not what you think. We aren't together or anything. I don't think she sees me that way at all.”

When he finished talking, there was an exp[ression of regret in his face. I wondered what happened between him to make him feel this way. I mean, it wasn't the first time that this reaction has occurred from boys that Heather meddled with. But Wesley seemed to be taking it a little too harsh. I did warn him about her. Maybe he's just a little sensitive about things like that. Or sensitive in general.

“So did the movie end yet?” I questioned, trying to change the subject to something less...emotional.

Wesley turned to face the TV screen, which I now noticed was turned off.

“Yeah it ended about half an hour ago-”

“WHAT! Why didn't you wake me up?! What time is it? I swear, if my parents find out I skipped school today, and it is your fault, I will not hesitate to castrate you”

I almost laughed at the expression on Wesley's face after I mentioned castration, but I was too worried about my current problem of getting caught skipping school.

“Calm down blondie, its only one o'clock. We still have over an hour before school is over. And I would prefer if we don't talk about castration. It makes me cringe just thinking about that” he ended with a dramatic shudder.

“Oh. Well you could have told me that before. So now what do we do? Maybe we should do some homework, since we missed classes” I said thoughtfully, with my nerdy side clearly showing.

“Funny funny. But I think not. I think another movie is out of the question, since you would probably fall asleep again and crush my man parts. So maybe we can continue our question game from before?”

“Alright” I responded “But you have to start again”

He groaned before agreeing to think of a question to ask.

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