Chapter 29

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I pulled my lip into my mouth and chewed on it as a nervous habit. Confrontation was not my kind of thing. Although, I guess it was kind of hot seeing a guy all worked up because of you. Knowing that he would be willing to fight for me made the butterflies spread their wings in my stomach. Seeing rage evident in Spike's face was beginning to frighten me a bit, though, and I wasn't sure what was going to happen. Especially when worry and fear crossed Ryan's face making it obvious that Spike could be as lethal as he looks.

“What. Were. You. Doing. You knew who she was! And right in front of my shop?!” Spike practically growled at Ryan, each word coming out of his mouth strained. I could even see the vein in his neck pulsing each time he took a breath. I didn't know why he was so pissed. I mean, yeah I made out with this guy kind of in front of him in a way, but I didn't think Spike and I were exclusive so I don't see why he's getting so worked up. But these are questions to save for later, after the boys fight it out.

“And Alex!” Spike yelled, turning his attention towards me.

“Hmm?” I responded, trying to look casual as I looked up from picking at my nails to gaze into the wrath filled eyes of Spike. If looks could kill...

“Don't think I've forgotten about you. I know that you had a big part in this. Do me a favor and wait in my shop while I finish things here with this douche.” Spike finished talking and turned his attenion awy from me again. Rude much? I wasn't going to let him talk to me like that.

“Excuse me?” I put my hands on my hips, and tried looking as annoyed and scary as possible so I could intimidate Spike. I don't think it worked seeing as I am not the scariest person out there, but no way was I going to let him get away with treating me like I was a weak little girl that needed protecting.. the only time I need protection is during scary movies.

“What now?” Spike replied sounding exasperated.

“Do not talk to me like I'm five. I am not okay with that. And anything you have to say to Ryan can be said in front of me, too, seeing as I was half of the issue here,” I breathed in deeply, trying to gather my thoughts in my head before I continued my rant. “And I still don't see what the big issue is. I made out with him, so what? It's one kiss. I didn't think we were exclusive here. You could have kissed all the girls that you want so don't freak out over this. If you want to hit the guy, go ahead. Fight things out your way, I know guys are weird like that. But seriously, don't treat me like I'm insignificant or this will be the last time I see you. Not to sound overly dramatic or anything. Sorry about the rant but I really hope you were listening to me.”

After a moment of silence, I saw Ryan reach up and scratch his head while mumbling something comprehensible.

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