Rocky Noticed Chase

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Storyline: Rocky stalks Skye while she's cooking something for Chase. Rocky THEN notices Chase is blushing for more than one minute than usual.
Rocky:(thinking) hmm, what should I do to put them together?...Oh, i should match them together!
Chase:(walks away from Skye)
Rocky: Hey there pal! Can I talk to you for a moment?
Chase: Yes, what is it?
Rocky: Do you have a crush on Skye? (Shows photo)
Chase: Oh, you can tell? Yes, I do have a crush on her.
Rocky: I'm just curious.
Chase: Oh, ok (walks away to play with the others)
Zuma: Hey there dude!
Rocky: Hey.
Zuma: What is it?
Rocky: Did you know Chase has a crush on Skye?
Zuma: Oh my god, no!
Rocky: I think we should pair them up!
Zuma: Great idea!
Rocky: But first we should prepare for that thing.
Zuma: Ok!

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