Ch5. Massacre And What Is The Akatsuki?

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Me and itachi been friends since 3 now were 13 he is the anbu captain so am I its hard job and I also still live with them and sasuke in the academy he looks so cute he no longer a little baby aww but still have pictures oh I have 3 albums thats how many pictures I had we grown up too fast well I have to go to the anbu before im late im in the anbu crazy
~At The Anbu Hideout~
Im not going on a mission I dont feel like it so im just gonna guard itachi came up to me "hey remember to meet me at the the house at 8" "yeah I know" then he left he acted so cold and distant each day which worried me alot what has got into him I went to train then I went to the academy to pick up sasuke since I always do now "hey sasuke" he came running to me "hi emiko!!!!!" "Child lower your voice" he did as I told him and went to buy him stuff I bought necklace it said little brother and big sister he didn't like sweets which is sad so we ate something else then I left him to play with friends I told him be home by 8
~time skip to 8~
I went meet him at the house but why does he want me there especially at that time when I can be doing something else in the time I entered to the house "Itachi im home where are you?" he came out with his sharingan it looked different then he came closer to me with a sword what has gotten into him "itachi please dont do this you have sasuke a family dont stop" "im sorry emiko I have to I have no choice remember that I love you...."I saw tears in eyes he began to cry and I did too he stabbed me with his sharp sword I began to cough out blood "i-itachi I l-love y-you let me die like this don't stab me anymore p-please think about Sasuke" I cough out more "emiko im truly sorry" he cried more and left the sword inside me he hugged me fron behind "i-itachi I-I'll n-never forget you..."I began closing my eyes this the end I get to go with my mom and dad I do not want to but I'm  bleeding out everything went black
~Itachi Pov~
I killed emiko I felled on my knees and cried terribly how can she never forget me after what I just did emiko I spared her I stabbed her once for a reason I did it because I love her more than friends but I had to stab you "EMIKO IM HOME!!!" I heard sasuke said "itachi you killed emiko?" he said scared and I told him many rude things he was crying I left running when we meet again emiko when we do I make sure you are safe within my arms
~Emiko Pov~
Where am I why everything white is this the end I saw my mom and dad coming to me "princess" "is this the end" "no were giving you a second chance now open your eyes its too soon for you to die" I opened my eyes and saw sasuke crying "s-sasuke" I managed to whisper out as I holded the sword still stabbed into me "e-emiko I t-thought y-" "no sasuke im alive now I am in pain I'll be there for you just remember that even if I leave you" sasuke got help and they took me to the hospital they extracted the sword from me and healed me I felt better than usual why itachi why I cried you left me I loved you and you did this to me how could you do this I took care of sasuke each day of my life I saw him grow up now im 17 we now and he is 12 I would want everyone see me and sasuke grow but no one was here later that night I got up to the balcony someone covered my mouth I was trying to scream I bit the person then I screamed out sasuke name "SASUKE RUN!!!!" I said didn't want to leave him but he ran super fast the person came closer to me "your coming with me!" "no please let me go!!"I blacked out
~Itachi Pov~
I can't believe the akatsuki saw my records and found emiko name now they went to kidnap her that means she left sasuke alone.... I will set her free when she comes back I don't want her to suffer like I am for my actions hopefully she is strong enough to get away from them "new teammate" leader said what they got her what did they do I see her like as if she is dead which worried me a little but she began to wake up
~Emiko Pov~
Where am I why am I here people surrounded me they had cloaks with red clouds like in my dreams what's going on someone speak up don't look at me "can I eat her" the plant weird thing said what he can't me certainly not alive what is going on they need to let me go right now "okay join or die" what the hell no I won't join or will not die neither of the choices "I will not join and will not die...." I said worried "well itachi do the honors and kill her" wait what itachi no he need to get away from me im sorry but the past still hurts me I said I would forgive him but I change my mind I won't forgive him "KILL ME I DONT CARE!" itachi came up to me and whispered "emiko you know I can't kill you....." "I SAID KILL ME YOU DONT NEED ME ANYWAYS WHY DO YOU NEED ME ANYWAYS!!" they didn't tell me at all "I know who the killer of your parents" "WHO IS IT?!"I got mad "join and I'll tell you" "fine....." I manage to say "orochimaru did he one of the legendary sanin's from the leaf well now he is also a criminal" what orochimaru did how could he wasn't he supposed to protect the village "you will stay here and here is a ring and cloak and also you will get a room" "I DONT NEED YOUR STUPID RING OR CLOAK!" I was getting mad he came close to me and got my neck and lifted me up the air was going away I cannot breathe I was fainting slowly "let her go she does not have to wear one yet until she is comfortable here but she won't if your there hurting her" he let me go and dropped me to the ground "fine itachi she is also gonna be your 2nd partner and also show her to her room since you should know each other" "come on emiko.." "just show me to the room and stay out" I said coldly he stared at me in shock "don't be shocked you left me and sasuke alone but now I don't forgive you" "lets talk over this" "fine but im not forgiving you" he showed me my room but took me to his after and closed the door behind him "sasuke is hurt I left him I told him to run if he finds out he is gonna be mad at me" I cried "YOUR STUPID ITACHI STUPID!"I said crying more and felled on my knee's "emiko" "DONT EMIKO ME HERE THE STUPID NECKLACE AS KIDS I DON'T WANT IT ANYMORE ITS STUPID IM NOT GOING ON THESE MISSIONS IM NOT GONNA HURT NO ONE EXCEPT YALL NO ONE ELSE!!!" I cried more I threw him the necklace he walks out having bit of tears and he slams the door "i-im sorry itachi....but I cant forgive you..."I want to see sasuke and watch him grow I saw a window and opened it I ran out as fast as I could to tell sasuke I made it and saw sasuke "sasuke!" he came "look sasuke I had to join an organization I didn't want to they forced me im very sorry but I don't know when I'll see you please send me notes you know how and also itachi in it that's where he left also if I hurt the leaf im sorry I have to please sasuke stay away from me because they might tell me to hurt you and I don't want to hurt you I love you so much here is a bear keep always with you even if you grow up it does not matter hopefully I can visit you or see you soon im sorry again..." "emiko dont leave me" "I'll escape thats a promise I will make for you and find you and be with you and protect you I promise" "thank you for being there for me emiko I love you so much as a sister and I forgive you I know you will escape soon I also know how to send letters I guess the end till you visit me or see me again well hope I get to see you daily" "me too sorry sasuke I have to go never give up on your dreams and goals because I know you will accomplish it and also I'll come by and take my albums oh I never told you I made you one for me and you its in the room under your bed bye now..." I started to cry and hugged him and left back through the window and locked the door and went to sleep
~Itachi Pov~
I was crying not a lot but did emiko really meant that she gave me her necklace I held it tight emiko forgive me I know I did wrong and now you left sasuke I know he will forgive you since you mean so much to him I wish you would talk to me again like old times I miss you your important to me always I feel bad for her she has to suffer and do these stupid missions its going to affect her alot I cant believe she got stuck here but now she knows the killer so she is the team hopefully next day is different I thought and went to bed next to her
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