Part 02: How To Find A Title For Your Story?

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Hello readers,

We hope by now you got a pretty good idea about your book. Now we can go to the second and one of the easiest steps into making your story a real book.

All we need is a title.

But this part isn't as easy as you think. I still even now fail sometimes to create titles myself. Yet here is a small advise that you can use; You can get your title from the original thing that inspired you to get the idea. But I can't garentee you that will help you in creating such original and excellent title, so I use that technique some times, when I feel troubled into finding such great titles.

There is also another technique which is concluding your whole story in a title that doesn't pass possibly three to four words (of course if it is not a guidebook or a biography, sometimes).

Or you can just put the main action or thing that changed the whole plot. For example (spoiler): I've created a fan fiction which is still unpublished and in editing that has the main character in such daze about her feelings towards her boyfriend and is willing to go through thick and thin to find the perfect guy for her. Her phone would always repeat the request of her going to look for someone better. Until she is surprised by the same words that were recorded by here in a song made by the least person she expected to get along with. I decided that the title should be those words which are repeated actually every chapter.

There are other techniques that can be used too such as taking a famous and small quote from your story and making it the title or even, my own, looking for strong synonyms of some words that maybe describe your character, the settings or the events, for example: I'm making a title by the name of "Lonely But Elegant", but I feel it's a little dull, so I look for synonyms of lonely and elegant. I may find a lot of synonyms, of course, but I'm the one who is going to choose so I chose Solitary (synonym to lonely) and sumptuous (synonym to elegant). Then I put it together into "Solitary But Sumptuous" so it looks a little complicated but at the same time elegant.

Also, titles are a way to attract the reader, so keeping the title short and not spoil anything about the story makes the reader more thrilled to actually open the book and see what the story has to do with the title.

Although, if you're still in trouble of not finding a perfect title, maybe you can write back for me in the comments or in a private message. Of course, I'll keep the secret if you want me to.

I hope this helped you.

{The Black Rose}

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