Part 06: How To Start Your Book?

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Hello Readers,

It has been a long time since I wrote chapters in this book, but everything has a logical reason. (For me anyway)

But welcome again to our sixth part!

Now again, I'm telling you that this book is about my opinion on how a book should be created. It doesn't work with everyone, since everyone is different, but I'm the kind of person who wants to surprise readers with my creation.

Anyway, today we are going to talk about how to start your book.
Actually, some people find it hard to start a book, while others don't. And that's true in some kind of ways sometimes.

For an example, in my first and second years of being an author, I always started my books with the first chapter and a small note before it.

But now, I feel like that's kind of unprofessional and childish (for me anyway) and since my third year, last year, I looked through books of famous authors on Wattpad.

At that time, I thought maybe every book has to have an "Introduction" as the first thing in the book. However, I even realized, later on, that I don't even read some of them; I actually skip most of them, like most of the readers.

Then why do I write those when I skip them myself? Why when I know that it won't be read?

Until now, I try to make them as short as possible so the reader won't be bored, but at the same time has to check who made the pictures and music.

And this year, I came to the conclusion that every book has its own introduction; If it is a humour-genre script has to begin with a small intro sketch, a novel has to start with a full or at least small introduction, a short one-chapter story doesn't need to have any introductions, or even go straight to the point and start it off with the prologue, etc....

But the important thing is; do what you feel like will work with the genre and aura of your book.

Now, going into details; starting the book with no introduction is a no-worry, starting it with a small humour-script isn't that big of a deal, like this:
[*6:00 in the morning*
The Black Rose: *enters the room in her black suit again and with a lazy and tired attitude* Hello everyone. *slams head on the table*]

But the formal introduction I was talking about isn't complicated, at the same time you'll freak out and check every book you know because maybe you forgot something to add that you'll regret later on. That's the struggle I went through when I first did mine.

But I'll try my best, since I'm here to help, to provide you some of the things you should mention. Also, if I forgot something please tell me in a comment or even a private message.
Here we go:
• The date the author started writing the book (optional)
• The date the introduction was published (optional)
• The date of the release of the first chapter or Prologue (obligatory)
• The mention of the creator of the pictures and videos in the book (obligatory)
• Stating how the effects of the story either were true and from real life or the story was fake and everything you came up with was from your imagination (obligatory)
• Copyright (it doesn't need more explaining, I think....)

And there are other things you can state in the introduction, but everyone has their own case. But for now, I think that's the important informations you need to at least put in your introduction.

Thank you for reading this part, and have a good evening.

{The Black Rose}

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