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**Before anyone comments "ew that's disgusting" or some dumbass shit like that when Evan puts a pad on for bed, please know that it's actually super bad for you to wear tampons while sleeping. I know lots of girls do it, but you can really only SAFELY wear the same tampon for four hours. Also, I never wear tampons to bed because first of all you're not supposed to and secondly my best friends mom had to get LITERAL SURGERY when we were in high school to remove a tampon that had imbedded itself in her uterus while she was sleeping. That's all I'm gonna say lol. So if you comment some stupid fuckin shit like what I said above, you bouta get that comment deleted and blocked. So peace and blessings, love u all.


Evan's POV

I stood rooted in my spot, unable to disobey him. It's as if my body was under his command instead of my own.

"Titty, get out." Scar sighed with exasperation as I gave her a once over. So this is the girl from the phone call this morning. Desperate little slag I thought bitterly. "I told you on the phone that this was over and that I was chained. Now leave." He told her. She pouted angrily before glaring at me.

"I know you're screwing him! What the fuck do you even want her for! She's nothing special!" She stated, her nasally voice really starting to grind my gears.

"How about real tits for starters." I scoffed in amusement as the other guys in the room snickered under their breath. She screamed in frustration before scurrying from the room, clearly knowing that she wasn't going to win the argument against me.

"What a charming name." I spat, still watching the door she'd left through.

"Why didn't you tell her you were my woman?" He demanded, voice deep and angry. Realizing that Scar and I were about to get into it, the guys quietly made up their mind and took their leave. Whatever they had to discuss would have to wait until later.

"Why didn't you push her away from you when she was oh so fucking happy to be touching all over you? Huh?" I yelled, losing my cool.

"That's what this is about? You're angry because I let her touch me?" He yelled back. I knew there were people right outside the door listening, but we weren't really making an effort to keep our business private.

"Are you fucking dense? Do you even hear yourself right now? Of course I'm fucking angry you were letting her touch you! And you just all too damn happy to let her kiss all over you too! You didn't even say anything to her beside that you're 'chained' and that statement doesn't mean fuck all when you're clearly still into her! Ugh, why are you so dumb?" I shouted while pulling at my hair.

"This is why I don't get involved with chicks. You get pissy over the fucking stupidest things. More trouble than you're fuckin' worth." He hissed under his breath. My eyes clouded with tears as I left the room without his knowledge as his back was turned to me. None of the guys stopped me this time as I tried maneuvering my way through the crowd. No one was getting out of my way, no matter how many times I said excuse me. I finally lost my shit as my emotions reached an all time high when some floozy rammed into me carelessly.

"Get the fuck out of my Goddamn way!" I screamed, catching everyone in my general vicinity off guard. Everyone eyed me carefully, those who apparently recognized who I was got out of my way before shoving others to do the same. This is like a bad showtime movie I thought to myself as I waited by the curb for my uber to show up. No way was I going to seek my dad out for a ride home. That'd be equivalent to signing the rest of my life away. My father had warned all of us not to get messed up in shit like this all throughout our childhood. He told us countless horror stories about his time in military school and how it all could've been avoided had he been more careful with who he hung around and the activities he participated in.

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now