Epilogue 2.0

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**DISCLAIMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!: There's mentioning of spanking (a child lol sad I have to clarify that) in the beginning of this chapter. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion when it comes to punishing a child. Personally, I have 0 issue with people spanking their children AS LONG AS the child KNOWS why they're being spanked and has had a couple warnings BEFORE they're spanked. Spanking should always be a last resort when it comes to punishment. My sister and I were BOTH spanked when we were little because we were fucking terrible little shits who usually did whatever we wanted and warnings and timeouts literally never worked for either of us - but let me tell you what getting my ass whacked with a wooden cooking spoon did the trick lol. WITH THAT BEING SAID, I hold absolutely no resentment towards my mother for spanking me and I will probably spank my children in the future IF IT'S NEEDED. Abuse and light spankings to correct awful behavior are two totally different things.

OH, and don't come at me and say that every one of a child's temper tantrums stems from "unmet" needs. Yes, that can be the case sometimes, but other times (I know this first hand - trust me) you just throw a fit for shits and gigs because you want something 100% unnecessary and then get upset when you're told no. THAT'S ALL LOL.**

One Year Later

Scar's POV

I grumbled to myself as I checked my watch for the fifth time since we'd arrived at Knox and Poppy's place. Evangeline's mother has insisted that we all celebrate her and I's one year anniversary as a family, while all I wanted was to be at home all alone, drizzling melted chocolate on every surface of my woman's body before using my tongue to clean it up.

For some reason, Evangeline had grown self-conscious of her body within the last couple of months. I wasn't sure if it was because our one year was coming up and she didn't feel sexy anymore, or if she thought she'd gained weight. Either way, she was wrong and I wanted to use tonight to show her how wrong I thought she was.

If only it weren't for this stupid fucking dinner.

I'd played nice for not only my woman's sake, but also to keep my mother-in-law happy because to Knox her word is God, but damn if I didn't want to leave after we'd finished dinner. I wasn't sure why Evangeline was dragging this out and making us sit around her parent's living room chatting about nothing and everything, but I was starting to become more impatient by the second.

"Well, I think I've waited long enough. I have something I'd like to tell all of you." Evangeline spoke with excitement. Everyone gazed at me curiously, but I had no idea what she was talking about. "Especially you." She said after turning to me with a giddy smile.

"What is it, baby?" I prodded, having never liked being out of the know.

"We're pregnant." She confessed breathlessly. I sat in shock, staring at her lips while my brain tried to process the information she'd just told me. There was an eruption of noise around us as everyone talked amongst one another with happiness.

"We're having a baby?" I finally asked, voice barely above a whisper as I stared intently at her stomach. Now that I think of it, there was a little bulge that had become more noticeable to me now.

"Yes. Are you...are you happy?" She asked insecurely. My face instantly lit up into a smile so big it hurt my face. I wasn't sure what emotion I was feeling right now, but it made my chest clench up and hurt in the best way possible.

"I've never been this happy in my entire life. I've wanted this since the day you said 'I do'." I rasped out, voice thick with emotion as my eyes started to prick with tears. Standing up, I scooped her into my arms before digging my keys out of my back pocket and ignoring everyone's angry yells as I walked us to my truck. Evangeline giggled her head off but didn't protest. Now it was time to go home and actually celebrate.

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now