Chapter two

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Cher POV

I slowly open my eyes, the window spilling light into my room. I slowly rub my eyes and sit up, I run my hands through my hair and get off the bed. I walked into my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, I grab my brush and brush it through my hair. I was suddenly interrupted when I heard a knock at my door, "Come in" I say. It was Scotty "Oh hey Scotty what's up?" I ask "You still up for some baseball?" He asked "Oh shoot I forgot, I'll be right down" I say. "No rush" Scotty smiled and closed the door as he left, I finished my business in the bathroom, brushed teeth, combed hair etc. I waked Into my closet and picked out some shorts, a baseball tee, my black PF Flyers, and my mitt. I quickly made my way down stairs and grabbed a granola bar. As I made my way to the living room where Scotty was waiting I waked past my father office with the door fully open and see him with a overload of papers. I stop waking and go toward the door "Good Morning daddy" I say sweetly "Good morning darling" he says looking up from his papers. "Oou one second" I say rushing to the kitchen to fix him some orange juice, "Here" I say handing him the cup, which he quickly refuses "oh please Cher please don't start with the juice" he says. "Daddy you need your vitamin D" I say giving it to him, "ughhh" he says drinking it "oh and doctor John is coming over later- " I say but he interrupts me "For What?" He asks "Your flu shot" I say " i don't need one" he says stubbornly. I roll my eyes "Bye daddy" I say walking out "Where are you going" he asks "Out with Scotty" I say, he smiles "I'm glad you two are getting along" he says smiling "yes sir" I say and give him a kiss on the cheek. I make my way to the living room and see Scotty sitting on the couch watching the local news "ok I'm ready" I say "ok let's go" he says getting up and turning off the TV we soon make our way out the door. We started walking past some stores and stop once we were in front of a drug store called Vincent's Drug Store, we soon start walking to the side of the store where 7 boy where sitting down chatting. No one seemed to notice we had arrived, "Hey guys" Scotty said waving "hey Smal-" they soon started when they noticed my existence. "Woah" half the boys said, "Hey cutie" a cubby red haired boy said. "Um this is my step sister Cher" Scotty introduced "hey" I said waving, they all starred at me eyeing me. I smile and look down, "that's Timmy and Tommy Timmons" Scotty started as the two boys who looked alike spit on the ground "ew" I said
"Mike 'Squints' Palledorous" the boy with glasses winks at me then continues the pattern and spits on the ground.
"Alan McCellan, we call him Yeah-Yeah" *spit*
"Bertram Grover Weeks" a tall boy with glasses smiles at me then spits
"Kenny DeNunez-" the African American boy also spits on the ground.
"And Hamilton Porter we call him Ham" the ginger winks and blows me a kiss, I giggle and wave. We all sit and chat, "yeah yeah, smalls we didn't know your sister was hot" Yeah-Yeah says and looks over at me and smiles, I smile and laugh. "Shut up" smalls laughs. "Hey guys, you ready" a voice said we all turn around and I see a good looking boy, he was tall, had a gorgeous tan, plump lips, gorgeous brown eyes, and jet black hair. His eyes soon landed on me and he smiled "You must be smalls sister" he smiles "uh yeah I'm Cher" I say smiling "I'm Benjamin but call me Benny" he says adjusting his LA dodgers baseball cap. " well we're wasting time, let's go to the sandlot" Benny says breaking our gaze, "Benny it's 9:00" they answer. I giggle at their complaining and walk with them, after 5 minutes of walking we arrive at an abandoned diamond. I starred in aw as I got a happy feeling, I patted my mitt and squints walked beside me "You play?" He asked with amusement " of course" I say smiling with a duh tone " well it's just most girls don't play baseball" he says fixing his glasses. " Well than I guess I'm not like most girls" I say "Defiantly not" he says looking me up and down with his tongue sticking out. "Uh Cher" Benny runs up to me "mmhh" I say facing squints laughing at his actions "take right center" he says " ok" I say looking up at him. I walk over to right center and look up hitting my glove with my fist, Scotty was on the left of me doing the same he looks up at me and smiles. "Hey Cher throw it to second" Benny yells and throws the ball in the air and hits it with the bat with ease, I put my give up and seconds later feel the weight of the ball in my glove I quickly grab it and chuck it to Timmy who was standing at second. "Woah" Ham says "Dang she's good" DeNunez says smiling at me. The boys soon erupt with complements I blush looking down and smile. After an hour of playing ball Benny let Ham bat as Benny put on the catcher mask and squat down, I soon noticed he had his flannel unbuttons and a mens tang top was revealed, and his LA dodged cap was on backward and sweat was dripping down his body. I started with amusement thinking of how good looking this boy really was. Ham made his way to home and started talking,
"Hamilton 'the babe' Porter" he says chuckling
"Long ball"Porter, come on DeNunez"
We all erupt in laughs
"Yeah, okay. Yes, I see it. Yes" Benny says joking
DeNunez soon pitches and Ham goes to swing but misses.
"Woah" Benny stands quickly with a sarcastic tone, the boys all start laughing.
"You call that pitching" Ham complains
"This is baseball, not tennis" he says annoyed
"Give him a tennis racket" Squints taunts
"Give me something to hit" Ham replies balancing the bat behind him.
"Alright, Ham. This is my heater, I dare you to hit it" DeNunez says still laughing .
"You'll be sorry" Ham states
"Give that boy a bigger bat" Squints continues to taunt
"You want the heater, I'll give you the heater" Kenny says
"Give him a basketball, maybe then he'll hit it" Squints continues, I already know that kids gonna be my favorite I think to my self smiling at the whole situation. Suddenly DeNunez pitches and the ball come soaring past Scotty and i and goes over the green fence. "Oh, man" the boys start, "Yeah! That's how you do it" Ham says with pride "Ham you idiot now we can't play no more" Benny says annoyed. "Great you idiot" "Hit me with the heater" Ham says running to second base, "Stupid idiot" the boys scream at Ham "Low and outside just like, I like it" Ham says running to third, dodging the flying baseball gloves that were being thrown at him. " Wait a sec, we'll get it" Scotty said as he put his hand out so I could hop over and get it. " Call shot World Series by the babe, called shot by the babe" Ham says proudly "NOOOOOO" Squints screamed running towards Scotty and I. Soon all the boys joined "NOOO" they all screamed, but the time they were close I was sitting on the fence about to swing my leg over, Benny then rushed to me and put me on his shoulder as everyone else was pulling me down the fence "Get off of me" I yell they all back up and breathe heavy. "Your gone get yourself killed" Squints said out of breath "Yeah Yeah truly what are you doing"
"You guy where leaving, so we just thought Cher would just hop over the fence--" Scotty stated " If you weren't think, you wouldn't have thought that" Squints said rolling his eyes. "Then how do we get the ball back" I said interrupting them both,
"We don't"
"We don't"
"Its history"
"Its history"
"Kiss it goodbye"
"Kiss it-"
"Shut up Tommy" Timmy says
"It's gone, we'll never see it again"
"Games over man, we'll just get another ball tomorrow" Benny says licking his kissable pink lips- god no Cher stop.
"Yeah, we'll never see it again"
"Why not" Scotty said
"Go to that fence... real slow, and be quiet." Benny says
"But... I-I think-" Scotty shuddered
"No, no, no. No, no. Just go and peek through that hole. " Benny said
"But I--"Scotty argued
"But I saw something. What's back there? " Scotty asked
"It's okay. Just go." Benny reassured
"Just go. - Go, Smalls." Half the boys said and the other half said "Come on, Smalls." Smalls made his way to the fence and a twig broke underneath his foot, "SHHhh" the boys shushed, suddenly a loud growl startled me that it even made me gasp. "What was that" I asked in fear" I turned to look at them,
"Camp out" that all said.
The boys told us to meet them at the tree house at the Timmons house at 8:00pm, so Scotty, Benny and I made our ways home and chatted once we reached home we went our ways and walked through our front doors.
"Daddy please" I begged
"No" my dad said we were arguing because he wouldn't let me go to the camp out because " there are only boys" I rolled my eyes and said " if you let me go I won't bother you about your vitamins" I said and sighed " fine" my dad said giving up. I cheered and ran upstairs to get ready.

Smalls step sisterWhere stories live. Discover now