Chapter three

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Cher POV

"Hey, guys, sorry I'm late.My mom made me put on my jacket"Scotty said as we both entered the tree house filled with boys."and then she made me do the dishes. " Scotty said I roll my eyes as the Boys started Laughing. "Your poor little mommy made you do the big bad dishes." Bertram whined , rolled my eyes and shoved him.
"Hey, you want a s'more?" Ham asked
"Some more what?" Scotty asked clueless, "A s'more genius" I said pointing to the 's'more stuff', which Scotty completely ignored.
"No, no, you want a s'more?" Ham said as the Boys Chattered.
"I haven't had anything yet, so how can I have some more of nothing?" Scotty said dumbly
"Wow Scotty" I said sarcastically & rolling my eyes.
"You're killing me, Smalls." Ham stated with a 'are you kidding me' look.
"These are s'mores stuff." Ham explained
"Okay, pay attention." Ham started while the boys in the back screamed "Bertram!" Which neither the three of us paid attention to, "First you take the graham.You stick the chocolate on the graham.Then you roast the 'mallow. When the 'mallow's flaming," Ham said and blew out the flame on the marshmallow.
"Yes, it is yours. It has a yellow stain on it." One of the boys stated in the back I giggles and looked at them fighting over who's sleeping bag it was. I then turn around to see Ham still explaining to Scotty what a s'more was,
"you stick it on the chocolate."Ham said but was interrupted
"You're gonna set the place on fire. " Squints said I laughed god I love that kid " cover it with the other end." Ham said putting the other graham on the marshmallow.
"Make me one of those." One boy said
"Yeah, me too." Another said
"Then you stuff." Ham said completely ignoring the boys asking for one,
"I don't like that chocolate stuff." Squints went on, I laughed once again and faced squints as he sent me a wink.
"Kind of messy, but good. Try some." Ham finished as he handed it over to Scotty, and Scotty handed it to me when he took a bite, I gladly finished it. I was chatting with Benny who was besides me and who also witnessed scotty's ignorance towards a s'more. We both joke around and laughed he was a cool guy really funny& sweet.
"Okay. Quiet, you guys." Squints whispered
we all continued to talk "Shh! Shh!" Squints shushed. I playfully pushed Benny as he said "your pretty tho who would say such a thing" he laughed as I blushed and looked down.
"Quiet! Are you trying to wake it up?
It just went to bed." Squints said making everyone turn to him. "What just went to bed?" Scotty asked, as we all said "SHH"
"The Beast." The boys whispered
"Oh, yeah! " Scotty said rather loudly I smacked his sleeping bag and gave him a 'be quiet' look "Shh!" We said
"Jeez. - Dang."
"Now quiet.The legend of The Beast goes back a long time...
before any of us could even pick up a baseball.
Back to a place called Mertle's Acres.
It all started about, mmm,    years ago,
when thieves kept stealing junk from Mertle's Acres junkyard.
So Mr. Mertle, the guy that used to own the place,got him this new pup from the dog pound.
He fed him whole sides of beef...
and turned the pup loose in the junkyard.
And the pup was great full" Squints said dramatically.
"And so, in a few weeks, the pup grew into The Beast.
And he grew big, and he grew mean...
so that he could protect the junkyard with only one thing on his mind:
to kill everyone that broke in.
And he did, and he liked it a lot!" Squints screamed exaggerating a whole lot may I say.
"The Beast was the most perfect junkyard dog that ever lived.
A true killing machine.
But after a while, the cops started getting phone calls from people...
reporting all the missing thieves,
the ones The Beast had killed.
It added up to about  140- 173 guys. It's true.
They never found a single body.
Not one. Some people say they all got away.
But we all know what really happened.
The Beast ate them. He ate them bone and all
The Beast was too good at his guard dog job,
so the police said he had to be retired.
My grandpa, Squidman Palledorous,
was police chiefback then.
He ordered Mr. Mertle to turn his backyard into a fortress...
and chain up The Beast and put him under the house...
where he could never get out to eat children and stuff.
That's where he's been for 20 years.
And that's where he'll be for the rest of his life.
Because Mr. Mertle asked the cops how long...
he had to keep The Beast chained up like a slave,they said until forever.

Forever. Forever.

Forever. Forever.

"Squints repeated 'forever' all the boys where looking at him with horror.
"And so, The Beast sits there under that lean-to,dreaming of the time when he can break the chain and get out,dreaming of the time he can chase and kill again." Squints finished dramatically.
"See, guys? That's why you can't go over there." Bertram faced us with a scarred face "Nobody ever has. Nobody ever will." He said
"One kid did, but nobody ever seen him again." Ham said shocked with fear,
"That ain't true." DeNunez said with doubt "Yeah, it is." Ham said
"He got eaten." Ham said with fear in his voice.
"That's bull" I said scoffing
"No. None of that's true.You guys are just making this up to scare us." Scotty said referring to him and I,
"Oh, yeah?Stick your heads out that window...
and look down." Squints ordered.
That night both Scotty and I learned that more than 150 baseballs...
had gone over that fence and not one of them was ever seen again, even when some brave kid
worked up enough courage to peek over.
Because when they went over, they vanished.
I knew it was true.
Because when Scotty and I looked down in there, we didn't see a single one. Scotty and I screamed as we saw something jumping up to us, we both scrambled down.
"He's down there." Scotty said pointing to the window.
"You bet he is.
Whatever goes over that fence...
stays there." Ham says blowing out a breath that wasn't steady.
"It becomes the property of The Beast...
forever." Squints said with a BB gun in his arms.

We all soon broke into chatter "Hey Cher do you think it true" Scotty whispered " I don't know the story doesnt sound very true but I mean the window accident was real" I whispered back with wide eyes. Scotty shrugged and continued to talk to Ham, "Hey you alright" I look up to see Benny towering over me " yeah, why?" I asked and he sat down besides me " I mean after the story" he says. " oh yeah I'm fine i don't know rather to believe it or not" I said truthfully "after what happened at the window you still don't believe" Benny said gasping " No, No just the story" I said " Oh well don't worry nothing will happen" Benny said giving me a sweet smile which was to die for. I looked him in the eye and we started into each other's eye for 5 minutes smiling "Yeah Benny" DeNunez shouted which broke our gaze . " Yeah Yeah you should see how you guys where lookin at each other" yeah yeah said chewing on his gum, I laugh and turn to Benny  who was smiling. "So tell me about yourself" Benny said, "Well my favorite color is grey, I love history, I'm horrible at debate" I said laughing " Hahah" Benny said and what he said next had me shook " Has anyone ever told you, you have beautiful eyes" he said looking at them while brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. I blushed and looked down " thank you" I said softly giving him a smile. It soon reached midnight and we all had nothing to do, "hey I know, why don't we play truth or dare" Tommy said " yeah" "sure" we all said. We all got up in a circle and started the game. " ok Squints truth or dare" Yeah yeah smirked " Tru- Dare" Squints said confidently "I dare you to kiss Wendy Peffercorn next time we go to the pool" Yeah Yeah laughed " shut up" Squints said the boys started laughing " ok Cher truth or dare" DeNunez said smiling at Yeah Yeah "Dare" I said smiling ignoring the two boys giving each other evil smiles " ok I dare you to kiss Benny" DeNunez said my jaw dropped "she doesn't have to do that" Benny defended "Yeah but she has to she picked dare" Yeah yeah argued "No she doesn't-" Benny stated " No it's fine it's just a dare" I said shyly. Benny looked at me shocked "um uh ok um yeah it's just a um dare" Benny shuddered. I smile at him and turn my head to him, " we'll do it already" Ham shouted. Benny and I leaned in and soon our lips touched we stood there for like 10 seconds and split. The boys all shocked " omg that was like for 50 seconds" Yeah yeah said  exaggerating I laughed and turned away. Well at least my first kiss was with someone hot I think to myself. We played for another hour and squints tried to get me to kiss him but that didn't work out for him. We all soon set up our sleeping bags and went to sleep, I couldn't tho I had just kissed Benny that same night and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Do I like him? Nah. Oh my god I do like him. I like Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez. I'm totally buggin.

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