Ch 7

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Neko~chan's pov

I wake up super early and start to get ready for school. I make breakfast and after awhile I hear everyone walk into the kitchen.
"Good morning guys" I say
"Morning" Luna said
"Hi" Koru said
After a while we had to go to school. Mom dropped us off and we went to class. I walk in and people are saying hi to me. And that never happens to me. I sit in my seat and class starts. After what seems like forever I hear the lunch bell. I was really hungry, so i was pretty much running to lunch. I walk in with my bento and got in line to get more food. I see my brother and someone else, so I start to walk over to sit with them. As I walk over people kept asking ME to sit with them, and I was confused again. I keep walking until i get to Koru and his friend.

"Hi Koru, hi guy I don't know." I said

 I sit and Koru says that his friend's name is Will. I hear Will and Koru talking softly

"What kind of relationship do u two have?" i heard Will ask

"super close" Koru said

"I see. Do u think, maybe if things don't work out do u think I have would a chance?" Will said

I was confused about what he was talking about, I think for a sec and get it. Koru starts to laugh, so I punched him in the arm. He tells Will that i'm his adopted sister. 

"That's what u meant" Will said

Me, Koru, and Luna walk home after school. I grabbed my cross bow and start to shoot at my target. I hear Koru and Knives inside talking about training, but I just kept shooting the target. I hit every target right in the center after almost a month of practice. After a few hours I went inside and made dinner. After a wile I realized that there is a full moon this week, so I grabbed a bunch of snacks.

"Night Guys" I said

"Night" Luna said followed by a yawn

"Night" Said Koru while trying to hold back a laugh, I punched him.

"night" mom said

I walked up to my room and Fox came and sat on my lap. I started to watch Chi's sweet home until morning.

-I'm gonna go now byeeeeee ~Nyah-

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