Chapter 1: Sshh. The bitch can hear.

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"Have you heard? Bryan Andrews asked Abigail Thompson out!"

"No way! I mean Abigail's nice but I never imagined Bryan will like her... she's ordinary."

"I know, lucky little nerd. Isn't she?"

"What about Jillian?"

"Not everything is about Jillian Brooks. You see, she's just clinging like an annoying stain on Bryan's shirt."

The door of the end cubicle busts open that made the two girls jump in shocked. They both looked at the figure coming out from the cubicle. Horrified looks written on their faces once they finally saw who was inside.

Walking like a supermodel, Jillian approached the mirror with ease. With her poker face, you will never know she heard the conversation of the two girls as clearly as clear water that is running out of the faucet.

She put her chanel bag on the counter and washed her hands. She never give a glance at the two girls that still standing beside her, like statues. After washing her hands she dries it with tissue paper and throws it on the trash bin.

She then applied some lipstick and arranged her long dirty blonde hair that is curled on the ends. She purses her lips then finally looked at the two girls through the mirror.

The two girls’ one has dyed black hair and the other has strawberry blonde, they look uncomfortable in their state. They keep looking at each other not giving a straight glance to Jillian.

Ashamed of what you did? Jillian thought.

She smiles at them. Not the 'hello-friend-how-are-you-smile' it's more like 'you-messed-with-me-bitches-now-you-need-to-pay-smile.'

"Do you know what happens to a fly that makes annoying sound?" she asked notching one eyebrow at the girls. "It dies." she said with her deadly face.

"Talking about someone behind their backs is unhealthy" she said smirking. She get her bag and walked pass them, purposely bumping on the girl with dyed black hair who she knows called her 'an annoying stain on Bryan's shirt.'

"I don't want to see your face near me.  Don't try me. I can do things you really can't imagine I could. Are we clear?" she said, the girl flinched, she was stiff like a rock.

"Y-ye-s" the girl answered more like a whisper.

Jillian smiled evilly, "I like the lipstick color," she said to the other girl with strawberry blonde hair. The girl managed to give her a shy smile but then the smile wipes immediately on her face when Jillian said the latter words. "But darling, lipstick will not make you beautiful." Jillian said then walks out of the bathroom, leaving the two girls in the state of disbeliefs.


"Oh my god, have you heard?" Sasha look horrified. She was starting to feel uneasy when she heard the rumors at the corridor.

"Is it true? Oh no, Jillian will be so pissed." Tara said also with the same expression like Sasha. The two both exchange horrified glances. They both know what will happen once the rumors got to Jillian. It will be the end of the world. They're friends with Jillian since freshmen year. Befriending Jillian is good, popularity is attached to it. What Jillian wants, Jillian gets. That's what they’ve learned about Jillian for being together this long.

Jillian Brooks is popular, queen bee, prom queen, everything that is connected with fame. She's your popular mean girl. She dislikes nerds, unfashionable earthlings and loathes anyone who messed with her.

"Do you know where she is? Call her! Don't make her come to school!" Sasha said. Tara immediately fished out her phone out of her bag and start dial Jillian's number.

The classroom is starting filling up. Anytime soon, the class will start.

"It's just ringing!" she said to Sasha who is now biting her nails. "Pick it up. Pick it up. Pick it u--Hello?" Sasha moved more closely to Tara and also put her ear on the phone, trying to hear the other line. "Jill? Do you hear me? Hello? Jill? Are you there?" Tara continues to ask, hearing nothing from the other line.

"Why are you calling me?" Jillian answered with annoyed tone.

"Don't come to school! Just stay home. We'll come there, I heard there are sale on one of the boutiques you like downtown. Let's go together, okay? We'll be there in a minute!" Tara said trying to sound excited. Sasha is just nodding her head in agreement like Jillian will see it.

"Shut up."


"I'm already at school" and in a very chilly voice she said, "I heard it."

Then the other line went dead. The two just looked at each other. "What now?" Sasha asked frightened.

"Start praying?" Tara said not sure of what to do.

"Let's do it." Sasha agreed and they start praying.


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