Chapter 5: Talk about the girl who steals someone's man!

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Luckily, the girl’s bathroom held few girls inside. Jillian immediately locates Abigail waiting for her turn to the one of the cubicle. When Abigail went inside, Jillian walked to the front of the mirror and busy checking her beautiful face while waiting for Abigail.

Jillian applied some lip gloss and pursed her now glossy lips. She really not much into make ups but she needs to apply it anyway to be more fierce looking. A few minutes ticked by, after arranging her hair to look more bouncy, Abigail emerged out and goes straight to the faucet to wash her hands. She waited for Abigail to look through the mirror before she decided to act like she just saw Abigail here.

“Oh! Hi, you’re Abigail right?” Jillian asked flashing Abigail her fake friendly smile. Only Jillian Brooks could pull those kinds of tricks. She could be mean as a devil but she could also be friendly as an angel with devil horns.

Abigail was shocked to see Jillian here. She knows Jillian very much, not that she knows her personally. Well, who doesn’t know Jillian Brooks? Everyone in the school knows Jillian, she’s popular! Jillian purses her lips when she didn’t reply. Actually she did want to nod her head to answer but she was too shocked to see Jillian. She’s with Bryan here for Christ sake and Jillian likes Bryan!

Agreeing to Bryan’s proposition held so many consequences for Abigail’s part. When the news started to spread out in the school that Bryan Andrews asked her out for a date, her quiet student life changed drastically. The other girls from her class started to talk to her, inviting her to one of their exclusive parties, talked to her about fashion trends who she don’t understand a thing and they said that she could come with them when they shop dresses, who cares about dresses? Abigail is t-shirt, jeans, sneakers kind of girl. She never wanted to wear girly stuffs. Of course all of that invitation was because of Bryan asking her out. When Bryan asked her out, they both know that this is just an arrangement for Bryan’s desperate need. Nothing personal. She’s just helping Bryan.

Before the changes in her life, Abigail has a very quiet student life. Going to school in school days, doing homework, eating with her non-popular friends, complaining quietly when there’s a surprise quiz and she never even glanced at her lecture notes, complaining about how popular students loves attention very much, trying not to get the attention of bullies and mostly trying to mold with the walls to be invisible.

She never aspired to be popular. Popularity is dramatic for Abigail. She’s happy with being nobody in school. But all of these things changed because of one good looking guy who asked for her help. She got herself in so dramatic life she avoided most of her high school life. Now, in every corner of the school, she hears the girls talking about her and the boys finally noticing her. And the fact that she got herself into much bigger trouble, getting Jillian Brooks attention to her. She just wanted to pull out from accepting Bryan’s desperate need for help.

Whoever messes with Jillian never experience quiet life in school. Abigail was there when Lindsay Hall embarrassed herself in front of everybody in the cafeteria. Of course it was Jillian’s plan. Lindsay crossed a wrong path. Lindsay is really mean so Abigail never pitied her after what happened to her. Well Jillian acted mean and everybody thinks that way but Abigail sees her like more straight forward person than mean. If Jillian doesn’t like a thing, she’s vocal about it. Her opinions are the most important.

Some students loves Jillian but of course when you’re popular you can never avoid having haters. Abigail never hated her. Actually she wanted to know Jillian if only she’s not popular, maybe she could be friend with her.

One of the big consequences of this helping thing about Bryan has to do with Jillian. As much as possible she avoided crossing path with Jillian, she knows that any time of the day after the spread of the news about her and Bryan, Jillian will confront her but she never did but now she’s in front of Abigail and it startled Abigail so much she couldn’t think whether to ignore her or not.

Abigail must pull her best act now, “Hi Jillian. It’s nice seeing you here.” she said calming herself.

Jillian seems taken aback by Abigail’s reply. Abigail sounds like they were friends and it irritates her more than ever! Abigail looked composed and calm now. The smile on her face is very true friendly smile and Jillian feels bad to act mean to her. This confrontation will be easier if only Abigail is a bitch but it turns out she’s not.

Jillian was aware of Abigail existence in the class. Jillian classified her as a mild nerd who doesn’t care about her surroundings, just herself being afar from the popularity world. Jillian hated her when she dressed like an old fashion earthling. Seriously, who wears an oversized faded jacket in baggy jeans? Gosh, she’s an awful dresser! There’s really nothing special about Abigail that’s why Jillian was so pissed when she heard the news.

This not special girl caught the attention of her Bryan! Of all the guys in school, why it has to be her Bryan? Why it can’t be one of the jocks? Jack Collins likes Abigail so she must stick her presence to Jack instead! It’s the cliché thing right? Popular jocks fall for not popular girl. Bryan is not even a jock! So why Bryan even likes Abigail?

Jillian matched Abigail’s calm and friendly state. “So… are you here with someone?” Jillian asked like they were old acquaintances and like she didn’t know who was with Abigail.

“Yes,” Abigail replied smiling. “You?” she asked turning the question back to Jillian. Abigail dried her hands using tissue paper while waiting for Jillian’s answer.

“I am. He’s waiting for me outside. Actually we’re on a date.” Jillian replied confidently. Her outfit was not much for a date exactly. She’s wearing a plain pink shirt as top and skinny jeans. She couldn’t go out looking so out of fashion so she matched it with 3 inches wedge shoes that made Abigail look small and prada shades for undercover purpose while they stalked Abigail and Bryan on their date.

Abigail nods her head accepting her answer. Jillian crossed her arms in front of her blouse, “so, are you with Bryan Andrews?” she couldn’t help but asked.

That’s right Jillian, act like you didn’t know that she’s with Bryan. You really sound pathetic. Her unconscious mind told her.

Abigail just smiled and then nods her head for confirmation, “want to come with your date? Bryan said we’re going to grab something to eat.”

Spell awed?


This girl has the guts to invite Jillian to where? TO THEIR DATE! And it makes Jillian wants to do something very bad thing to Abigail!

Jillian forcefully smiled, stopping herself from grabbing Abigail’s brown hair and rips every strands of it! “Let’s do that.” She said hiding her narrowed eyes behind her smile.

Abigail claps her hand once, “it will be like a double date right?” she asked excitedly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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