Chapter 2: There is nothing queen bee do better than revenge

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"Next week, be ready for the exam. Bye class."

The whole class went to do their own ways when the time the bell rings. Some immediately went out, some were arranging their things before going out and some are deciding whether they will leave the classroom or not. Sasha and Tara were belongs to the latter part. They didn't know whether to find Jillian or let her to be alone first. Jillian didn't attend the first class. The two were thinking of ditching Ms. Wells to look for Jillian but both of them were afraid of failing on the subject. Care to tell you Ms. Wells subject includes numbers, hundreds of formulas and computations. Who will not be afraid of failing that subject?

"Where do you think she is now?" asked Tara while putting her things inside her bag.

"I don't have any idea. We only spend our times together at the cafeteria and gym. And I'm sure she didn't kill Abigail yet because she's still here with Bryan." Sasha whispered. They both looked at the back of the classroom to see Abigail and Bryan talking animatedly with each other.

"Looks like the rumors are true." Tara said with disapproving state.

Sasha nods her head and bit her lower lip, "I think we must find Jill now before she can plan out bad things for Abigail."

"Right! Let's go!" They both grabbed their bags at the same time and walked like supermodels Jillian thought them, always look superior. Smiling at everyone they see.

"Hey Tara," a flirty voice stopped them from leaving the classroom. Tara gave her sweetest smile to Patrick Lewis, one of the school basketball players. "Hey there Patrick" Tara said with matching flipping her blond hair backwards. Tara has this whitey blond hair compared to Sasha's yellowish one. Sometimes the three of them, Jillian, Sasha and Tara, called 'THE BLONDES' which is by the way because of their the same hair color which blond but different shades.

Patrick stood up from his chair and walked towards where Tara and Sasha were standing. His friends remained seated busily talking with each other including the MVP player Jack Collins who let's just say also popular to girls like Bryan Andrews. The only difference is Bryan is not sporty as Jack. Bryan excels academically while Jack excels at sports.

"You sure get prettier every day." Patrick said with a smirk.

Sasha almost gag by what she was witnessing. She hates Patrick of all the basketball players. Beside of being conceited jerk, full of himself, he is a total flirt to everybody that's why she doesn't understand why Tara likes Patrick so much.

"You sure are good at flowery lines." Tara said tucking her hair behind her ear.

Sasha grabs Tara's arm and whisper on her ear, "Tara you're gross. If Jillian sees you like this she'll hate you."

Tara pushed Sasha slightly giving her a glare. "You're such a bitch." She mouthed and then smiled back sweetly to Patrick. "So see you around. We have something to do. Call me," mouthing the latter words. Sasha pulled Tara away. Before even getting to the door a deep voice stopped the two again. "Hey, where's the queen bee?"

Tara and Sasha both turned around with annoyed expression on their faces. They glared at the guy who happens to be Jack Collins. If you're a friend of Jillian Brooks you just need to know her most important rule...

Jack Collins is dangerous. He must be avoided and never... ever be attracted to his good looking physical features.

"None of your business." They answered simultaneously, remembering what Jillian's rule is.

The truth is, Sasha and Tara likes Jack. Well all of the girls in the school find him irresistable. Who doesn't? Just Jillian find him annoying so Tara and Sasha must find Jack annoying too but the thing is, they couldn't find what to hate about Jack. He's so good looking and funny. He's good at talking with girls. So Sasha and Tara don't know what's wrong with Jillian why she hated Jack so much.

When they asked Jillian about why she hated Jack, she just said, "he's getting on my nerves and I don't like him". And that's it. That's the only reason why she hated Jack Collins the most presentable guy they ever met. Like any other men population in the school, Jack likes girls and because he's popular he could have a lot of girls as many as he wants but he didn't like playing with girls, you know screwing girls? He never did that kind of thing. Maybe dated girls from cheering squad or the fourth, fifth and sixth pretty girl from the class but Tara and Sasha never heard the girls he dated complained how Jack is an asshole or a jerk. Most of the girls always praised him like, 'Jack is a good boyfriend, actually too good. Just too bad we didn't complement."

Jack Collins flashed them his famous smirk. "I'm just wondering if she heard the news." He said.

Tara and Sasha both narrowed their eyes to Jack. Just part of the acting to show him that they are on Jillian's side and they needed to hate him.

"None of your business." They again said simultaneously then finally walk out of the classroom. We're so sorry Jack. We like you but Jillian doesn't. Both Tara and Sasha said on their minds, it's like a mantra flashed in their minds everytime they walked out from Jack.

"They're like dolls program to answer at the same time." The other guy joked around.

Jack Collins just shrugged, "Looks like they're program to answer same words to me."

His friends continue to talk around and when they decided to go to the cafeteria Jack said he will just follow later. He said he needs to run some errands too.

When his friends were out, Bryan and Abigail also stood up ready to leave the classroom. They passed Jack who was still sitting on top of a desk. Bryan had to stop when he felt someone put a hand on his shoulder. He looked back to see Jack with his serious face indicating one thing. "Talk"

"Abi," Bryan called, Abigail looked smiling at Bryan. "Go first." he said. Abigail just nods, immediately understand what he meant. She walks out of the room leaving Jack and Bryan alone.


Jillian Brooks never feel crap ever in her life. She has always the spotlight. She has everything every other girl wants. She has Bryan... almost.

Jillian never thought of losing. Losing is not even on her vocabulary word. So why does she feel like losing with someone who's unworthy. No name, no fame, nothing! Abigail is like a dust in the air! She's just a dust floating in the air, just following where the wind blows her, no one sees her until Bryan. Of all people in this school why did Bryan choose that ordinary girl over her? She is Jillian Brooks! Extremely gorgeous, envied by many girls, popular!

Why in the world he asked that girl out when all these years Jillian was the one who's beside him. For everything! Since they were child she wanted him. All her life she was following him. She even gets herself on top for him to see that she's special. That Jillian Brooks is special and they were perfectly matched.

"That little bitch!" Jillian shouted angrily bumping her fist on the top of the grand piano.

She decided she wants to be far and alone from everyone who doesn't know how to keep their mouth shut from making annoying noises! So she went here on the music room, her OWN place. She plays that's why she's allowed here.

"Crossing my path is a big mistake! You little slut! Taking what's mine!" She shouted releasing all her anger. Good thing the room is sound proof. "You'll regret this!" sounded more deadly, Jillian try planning out on her mind how she can make Abigail Thompson disappear out of her sight, permanently.


I hope you enjoy :)

C ♀

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