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Taehyung's POV

You sat in the hospital waiting room with your 7 best friends trying to stop your crying.

"Mr. Kim" a nurse calls you in. Everyone pats your back a s you stand up and walk to the nurse.

"Um so mrs Daehyung is OK she has a concussion.
Oh she broke her leg and she just needs to rest here until she wakes  but you can go in. " you nod and follow her into a room. "Thank you" you whisper to the nurse.

She walks out of the room and you sit next to dae who has her eyes closed. Her beautiful short hair covering her eyes and the crutches that are now next to the bead. 

Why? Why did this happen?

Daehyung's POV

You hear sniffles and Rustling of a jacket so you slowly open your eyes. Everything is still blurry so you rub you eyes.

"OMO! You are awake!"  You look to you left to see Tae jumping up to hug you.

"Where am I" you ask him curiously.

"We are at the hospital" he start to tell you.

"Wait what happened! ". He looks at you with surprised eye's

"Um you got hit by a car"  he says in a nervous tone

You nod and look down."I want to leave." You looked back up he nodes and crabs a pair of crutches and hands them to you .

You took the crutches and gave him a confused look.
He lifts the blanket to your left leg in a cast and you stare at it for a moment. You start to get up and nod.

You follow him out of the room and sign out of the hospital. When you turn the corner jungkook stares at you and hugs you with all of his strength.

"What happened?" Jungkook looked at you with caring eyes.

"Long story." it came out as a whisper. Jungkook nods and helps you walk to the car.

The car ride was silent.  when you got back to the dorm you sat on the bed and thought about  mom, Taehyung and even life itself. It didn't take long for your thoughts to be disturbed by outside noises.

Where is that piano room when you need it.

Don't cry don't cry don't cry you told yourself repeatedly, but it didn't work. Of course.

You look out the window, but suddenly you felt pair of eyes on your back.

Great you crying now look what you did.
You thought as the eyes slowly move closer.

"Hey are you OK?" Yoongi said. Why him and not any one else?

"Uh yeah" you quickly wipe your tears away.

"You sure? You have been crying for an hour." He quickly wipes a teat from your eye.

He leans closer to you and ... Hugs you...

"Yoongi?" You call his name as he pulled away.

He looks at you signaling you to speak. " why are you being this nice?" You question.

"Can you answer my question first?" He asks. You nod and he goes on.

"You have hard times right, and you have wanted to be alone even though you can't be?" He question and you nod some more.

"Well there is your answer" he looks at you. You stare with the most confused look.

"You are just like me, but you are also a lot like Taehyung.  All I want is for Tae to keep smiling and if you smile he smile." He holds your hand and keeps speaking

"I don't want to see you down ever OK. Hey how about yo take my phone number so you can text me when you need it." He looked at you as you handed him your phone

"Thank you so much." You still look at him

"No problem just Text." He stood up and left.

You lay back down on the couch and fall asleep.

Authors note

Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't been on wattpad.

OK so bts have a new song called come back home it is unbelievable and they sound so different.

Have a good summer

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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