A Brutal message

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It was one of those rainy days, the sky was cloudy, and the atmosphere felt gloomy.... But it's all going to be a nightmare soon.

Y/N held the a body bag of a unconscious person, blood covered the outside of the bag. As soon as Y/N reached the top, he opened it and yanked the man out.

It was the Norman Osborn, tortured​and almost beaten to death.

Norman Osborn
"I'll give you anything, please let me go!".

"You've turned Spiderman against​ his own family, turned him into a monster".

"Give me a reason to not kill you".

Norman Osborn
"I'll give you money, power, my empire!".

"I don't need your damn money".

Norman Osborn
"I'll give you freedom, you won't have to worry about us chasing you!".

Y/N tied him to chair, and carried him towards the edge of skyscraper. Norman was very close, literally a centimeter away.

"You deserve to die, you have on minute to give me a good reason, or your going​ down".

Norman Osborn
"I'll tell you where they're keeping the Metahumans, the people who fight against the organization!".

Norman began telling Y/N everything he knows, the location, the prisoners, Luke Cage, Hulk, Venom, and several others.

"Thanks for your cooperation, goodbye Norman".

Y/N kicks Norman off the building, and plummeted to his death, landing on a car. As the road of sirens were heard, Y/N disappeared into the night. Not before leaving a message to honor his mentor Punisher.

By draping a flag over the building.

[Next Target: Kingpin]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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