Chapter 2

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I always feel invisible. Especially when it comes to my brother. Not even any of my fellow soldiers would notice me. I felt alone. Not needed. My loneliness soon turned to a deep depression that soon took over me. It almost got me killed . One of my peers saved me . Connie springer. I thought Someone cared but his comment made me realise that no one ever will.
"Hey, what're you doing ?! Don't get yourself killed with the rest of us here! Be careful."
"O-okay sorry." I sadly replied.

That was only a week ago. I still felt lonely walking the streets of opened shops in my casual clothes careful not to be mistaken for a soldier no one knew.

I was heading back to the base with my freshly bought ingredients for dinner when a group of misfits found me and I was quickly knocked out.

I think it was a few hours later but I'm not too sure cus the undergrounds have always been dark.
I blink my eyes repeatedly to make everything less blurry and more focused to my eyesight. I see I'm alone. I also see a small dagger ahead of me. Whoever kidnapped me where surely amateurs.
I struggle in my chair as I get near the dagger and try to grab it with my hands as I knock myself over to go near it.

I quickly release myself of my straints and as soon as I gather myself and stand up my kidnappers find me. Again.
I point the dagger at them.
"If you try to pit me asleep again I will dig this into you so don't try anything stupid." I threat with the tiny dagger in my steady hand.
If I can kill titans I can sure as he'll take them on.
"We don't want to hurt you Lani. Your safe with us . " the one in the front tried to comfort.
"Who the hell are you and what the hell do you want with me ?" I ask still pointing the sharp tip at them.
Pondering the scary fact that they knew who I was. But at the same time it was comforting because no one ever knew who I was or who I am.
The leader steps closer despite the dagger in my hand pointing at them.
"We're forgotten Titan shifters and we're your real family."

A/N: I thought I should be mean just like they are in the anime leaving cliffhangers.
I'll try to update asap!!^^

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