A Bit More Time!

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This is my first time posting once again, so please treat me well :3. Hopefully these smut shall quench your thirst -to those that prefer Evan/Vanoss to bottom- I just wanted to point out that if I made any mistakes, please comment to let me know and I'll go fix it right away. Lastly - Hope these stories turn out steamy

P.S. I don't know how often I'll update, but I hope to make it as often as possible

+Update+ July.01

Okay... So I'm here typing my first story, only to get annoyed with myself for using repetitive words or phases and adding way too much details. So I'm so sorry for those that might be looking forward to the first chapter, only to see this. I give myself an estimate of Tuesday or Wednesday, but I ain't sure.

I'm so sorry for the inconvenience *bows in apology*

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